Quick ways to shift your energetic state

✨ interrupt anxiety with deep breaths

✨ interrupt worry with thoughts of gratitude

✨ interrupt sadness with seeking the humour

✨ interrupt overwhelm with movement of the body

✨ interrupt fear with courageous action

✨ interrupt boredom with spontaneous play

b-roll is life

Google what b-roll is and you’ll see that “it is essential in narrative features to create a sense of time and place and to add layers of meaning to a story.”

When we think about life, we think mainly about the starting points and accomplishments.  But we hear so very often to “enjoy the ride”.  The ride could be any combination of the daily mundane, errands, simple pleasures and maybe even stumbles.  And it’s the ride that is b-roll.  As someone who is a creative and who is constantly documenting life – I know that b-roll is life.


My love for MEJURI

I’ve always been a big wearer of jewelry.  As a teen, I would wear rings on as many fingers as possible.  And before that, I was obsessed with having a name necklace (this was before SATC came on scene).  I’ve always been intrigued by unique types of jewelry before it became mainstream (thumb or nail rings).  Even like what different pieces symbolized (like Erykah Badu’s Ankh) or what it mean to wear rings on certain fingers. For me, the more jewelry the better.

On top of that, I never discriminated where I purchased my jewelry from.  I love eclectic pieces and knew they could be found anywhere!  Whether it was a boutique in MTL or Smart Set in the P.A.T.H (which sadly is no more!).  I’ve bought cool stuff at Holt Renfrew but also from street vendors.  

Sometimes my jewelry tells a story, sometime it’s my mood and sometimes its just the vibe for the day.

Mejury, Jewelry, VermeIi, arm candy, stacked rings, layered necklace

Growing up I used to wear either 24K or the stuff that stains my skin.  Thankfully I’ve learned a lot more about how jewelry is made, what works with my skin & sustainability.

I first heard about Mejuri in 2017 (a few years after it was founded) from a popular youtuber back in the day.  But I didnt make my first purchase until 2019.  I bought a few necklaces and was so happy with the quality that I bought a few thin stacker rings.  My most recent purchases include bracelets and charms.

Mejury, Jewelry, VermeIi, arm candy, stacked rings, layered necklace
Mejury, Jewelry, VermeIi, arm candy, stacked rings, layered necklace

Mejuri is known for its high quality jewelry – but what I love most about Mejuri is that its perfect to gift to yourself! And with the variety of price points it definitely makes it more enjoyable! 

Check out some of my favourite pieces!

Sphere’s Bracelet

Metallic Sphere Ring

Pearl Trio Beaded Stacker Ring

Sun Charm Necklace


A guide to our happy chemicals

I recently read an article about the happy chemicals our body produces and I realized I wanted to have this information live permanently on my blog for my future reference! (and of course for anyone else who may find this useful!)

I’ve always had an interest in personal growth and how we naturally tend to support ourselves so this topic is right up that alley. So sharing each happy chemical, what it does and how to activate it. Please be sure to like, comment and share!

(Scroll to the bottom for outfit details)

Serotonin – Stabilizes our mood

  • Deep breathing
  • Meditating
  • Walking in Nature
  • Go for a run

Endorphin – Pain Relief

  • Laughing
  • Dancing
  • Stretching
  • Essential Oils

Oxytocin – Building love & trust

  • Hugging somone
  • Giving someone a compliment
  • Helping someone
  • Playing with a pet or a child

Dopamine – Reward & Motivation

  • Finishing a task (hack: ANY task no matter how big or small)
  • Eating your favourite meal
  • Listening to music
  • Practicing self care

Dress – Urban Behaviour | Sunglasses – Amazon | Shoes – Call it Spring | Purse – Channel

Book Review: The Creation Frequency by Mike Murphy

Earlier this year, I set a reading goal to read 12 books (at least) in 2023. I’m happy to report I’m right on track!

I recently read The Creation Frequency by Mike Murphy and it was such a great reminder about how we understand and interact with our surroundings (read: the Universe).

My favourite part was how he explained the power of manifestation as it relates to quantum science AND ancient wisdom.

Shout out to Vaughan Public Library for having such a great book in their catalogue! I’ll have to check it out again and update this post because I really want that concise commentary to live on this blog.

I give this book 5/5 ⭐️. If you are looking for a refresher or even an introduction on the topic – this is a great quick read with actionable steps.

Please share any book recommendations in the comments. Or check out the other books I’ve read in 2023 here.

Rules for being human

I recently saw this on Instagram and after a quick google search found that the post that I stumbled over on Instagram was actually inspired by a good. I felt it really resonated with me, and once that happens – I feel compelled to make sure it has a permanent home on my blog (or my twitter or instagram(s)) :P 

So here it is…10 rules for being human (originally found in “If life was a game, these would be the rules”) + some of my recent art & photography … enjoy!

  1. You will receive a body
  2. You will be presented with lessons
  3. There are no mistakes, only lessons
  4. The lessons will repeat, until they are learned
  5. Learning does not end
  6. “There” is no better than “here”
  7. Others are only mirrors of you
  8. What you make of your life is up to you
  9. All the answers are inside of you
  10. You will forget all of this at birth