How nature promotes flow state

Being in flow state is when you feel like everything is aligned.  Your day is effortless.  And even if it’s not, you have an inherent trust that everything will work out for the best.

Being in the flow state means you are in the zone.  And being the in the zone means the world is your oyster.  You put your mind to something, work hard enough and it’s yours… #manifestation

There are many things that can help you get into flow state:
– Deep Breathing
– Meditation
– EFT Tapping
– Dancing
– Distract yourself from what’s taking your peace
– Be creative
and of course…getting outdoors and enjoying nature’s beauty!

One thing about our modern fast paced society is that we have forgotten about including nature and leisure in our day. Something I’ve realized myself only recently.  Whether it’s working in a concrete jungle and not getting out for some sun.  Or being so busy working from home that the only time I get up from my desk is to do school pick up!  It was about 2 years ago that I really felt like there was a mis-alignmnment (between my soul & body from nature) and randomly (well not a coincidence) stumbled upon the benefits of forrest baths.  

Forrest baths is a Japanese practice of relaxation – simply put its a method of being calm and quiet amongst the trees. 

After I read more and researched this practice – I began changing my habits.  Whenever, I was dealing with certain emotions (stress, fear, sadness) – I would force myself to go for a walk.  And specifically make sure I walked in a forest.  I do my best to immerse myself in the forrest.  I would go so far as to think about the architecture of the tree.  It’s connection to the earth (ie: what the roots looked like, how far they went into the earth, how they connected to the roots of other trees), what the trees look from the top or look up at the trees and lastly imagine the energy flowing through these trees.  

Of course it does not need to be this involved.  Some days I would just sit on the steps outside my house, and even sometimes I would just open the windows in my room.  

So if you are finding yourself sitting for long stretches of the day indoors, considering being intentional about stepping outside once in a while.  And if you want to try forest bathing – use the 3 tips to get started:

  1. Walk slowly in nature or be still.  This will help you pay attention to your surroundings and really taken in the natural beauty.
  2. Use your senses to experience.  Make note of the scent, the colours, how the light is shinning.  Focus on one sense at a time.
  3. Savour the beauty.  When something catches your eye, take a few extra moments to truly appreciate it.

If you want this… practice that

I was able to get over a summer reading slump with a fast paced thriller – which I thought meant I could then start another book that peaked my curiosity.  I love personal success and personal dev books (unfortunately, they are also the cause of me being 1 book behind schedule on my “read 12 books in 2023” self-set challenge).  

OOTD, Fit Check, 40s Fashion, Summer Style, Fashionista, Spiritual Advice, Self Care, Personal Success, Printed Skirt, Blazer Vest, Nude Shoes

Skirt & Body Suit – Reitmans | Shoes – Call it Spring | Blazer Vest – Suzy Sheir | Purse – Target

Although I also believe these types of book don’t necessarily help someone, unless that person actually executes on said advice.  However, books can be eye opening and for me personally I like to spread the word so to speak.  Whether it helps me create content for this blog, a caption for an IG post or an insightful tweet, I feel it lets me help raise the vibration of this planet, even if the wisdom only reaches 1 other human.

OOTD, Fit Check, 40s Fashion, Summer Style, Fashionista, Spiritual Advice, Self Care, Personal Success, Printed Skirt, Blazer Vest, Nude Shoes

Anywho, the reason why I shared that thought process was because if you are out there and you are not sure you should share you idea, opinion or art (remember as long as you aren’t hurting anyone) – you should do it anyway.  When we share something, we always put our own unique spin on it – which inherently makes it compliment the millions of other ideas that already exist.  So in conclusion – I may not execute on everything I read in a personal success book, but I’m sure to share the wealth of knowledge!  But because I want to continuously up my creative game (this?), I need to get more comfortable with sharing (that!)

OOTD, Fit Check, 40s Fashion, Summer Style, Fashionista, Spiritual Advice, Self Care, Personal Success, Printed Skirt, Blazer Vest, Nude Shoes

On the note of sharing… I’m also sharing a quick list on how to raise your vibes when you want to get to the next emotional level/frequency.  Want to read more on this topic, check out more from my blog: here, here and here.

Abundance ↔ Gratitude

Joy ↔ Service to Others

Freedom ↔ Laugh More

Calm Mind ↔ Nature Walk

Intuition ↔ Meditation

Peace ↔ Journal

Confidence ↔ Self Compassion

Book Review: The Creation Frequency by Mike Murphy

Earlier this year, I set a reading goal to read 12 books (at least) in 2023. I’m happy to report I’m right on track!

I recently read The Creation Frequency by Mike Murphy and it was such a great reminder about how we understand and interact with our surroundings (read: the Universe).

My favourite part was how he explained the power of manifestation as it relates to quantum science AND ancient wisdom.

Shout out to Vaughan Public Library for having such a great book in their catalogue! I’ll have to check it out again and update this post because I really want that concise commentary to live on this blog.

I give this book 5/5 ⭐️. If you are looking for a refresher or even an introduction on the topic – this is a great quick read with actionable steps.

Please share any book recommendations in the comments. Or check out the other books I’ve read in 2023 here.

How to come back to your higher self

With 2023’s first major lunar event just passing us, I thought I might be a good time to talk about how we can really show up as our true, authentic selves.  I’ve been fascinated by the moon forever, but more recently, I love tracking where it is in the sky, the phase and how we as human’s have been connected to the moon for millennia. 

The moon helps us identify with ourselves. But understanding ourselves is a journey and on that journey there will be phases (pun intended) where you are truly in tune with yourself and times where you feel like you can barely see yourself at all (…just like the phases of our moon).

So it’s in those darker times, where the moon is not visible and you are struggling to live as your highest self, that we need to find our ways back to your path – your true authentic self.

Try these activities the next time you feel like you need raise your vibes and come back to your higher self.

Crystals, Higher Self, Spirituality, Soul Care,  Self care, Window Sill, Energy, Full Moon, Flowers, Rings, Brown Hands, Red Nail Polish
  1. Gratitude: In the morning, randomly through the day and before bed.  I always write a gratitude list in the morning, use the DayOne app to quickly write a gratitude list at any time of day and then mentally say what I’m grateful for before bed.
  2. Love for yourself & others: Love comes in all shapes and sizes, even more so, the the love you have for yourself.  Take time to care for your self (whether that’s acting on your goals, washing your face consistently, doing your favourite hobby or taking a weekly bubble bath).  When it comes to others, making time for friends and loved ones, hugging and forgiving quickly are equally important.
  3. Eat high vibe foods: When I’m eating processed, fast or fried foods, I immediately feel my vibrations sink.  Not only do my jeans feel extra snug but I’m usually in an energy slump and crabby to myself and others.  When I’m eating clean and a variety of foods it’s easier to feel good about myself, my environment and my situation.
  4. Consume high vibe content: It’s not only what you eat but what you listen & watch that can effect how your higher self shows up.  Listening to a TedTalk > scrolling Instagram should be a reflex.  And believe it or not, after 5 days of switching to affirmations, motivational podcasts and learning new things on youtube and TedX – you’ll immediately find Social Media draining and not want to scroll!
  5. Be active in nature: A walk outdoors is the immediate cure for a bad mood.  Thats what I tell my daughters and what I remind myself as well.  Fresh air can do wonders for your soul.  Still trying to get out more often (only once a week because of the colder weather) but also trying to be creative about it (whether that’s a walk to the library with the family or a walk around the community center when my kids are in karate lessons).

Blogmas | 12 Universal Laws

The great thing about Blogmas is that it’s really all about you and the idea on content that you want to share with the world.  And as the creator of said content I can essentially choose what I to put out there and also learn!!

So today I’m going to share the 12 Universal Laws.  These 12 Universal Laws originated from several different cultures (Hawaiian and Egyptian to name a few) but many different leaders confirm that ancient cultures have intuitively known the laws to exist.

  1. Law of Divine Oneness: which refers to the interconnectedness of things.  This means every thought, action, and event is in some way connected to anything and everything else.
  2. Law of Vibration: this highlights that everything is vibrating a microscopic at a certain frequency. High frequency vibrations are where we all should strive to be.
  3. Law of Correspondence: this law speaks to that what we are all mirrors.  What we feel within us is a reflection of what is going on around us and vice versa.
  4. Law of Attraction: probably the most well known law, where we know like attracts like.  And more so you truly have to believe what you are seeking is already yours.  This law relates to the law of vibration.
  5. Law of Inspired Action: this is what follows after you believe you have what you are seeking.  It’s all about taking actionable steps toward inviting what we want in our lives.
  6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: this law states that the universe is constantly evolving and fluctuating – right down to the energetic level.  This means that our thoughts can eventually manifest into our reality
  7. Law of Cause and Effect: this is the direct relation between action and events. Interesting to note, we may not understand the effects of a given cause right away.
  8. Law of Compensation: this law is essentially that you reap what you sow.  Put out what you want to receive in return.
  9. Law of Relativity: even though we are inclined to compare things in our world, even though in reality everything is neutral.
  10. Law of Polarity: everything in life has an opposite.  When we are dealing with something, here we are asked to tune into the opposite – which can reveal a new perspective.
  11. Law of Rhythm:  here we are made aware of the cycles of our life.  We expect things to stay the same but we should remember that integration is just as important as growth. 
  12. Law of Gender: this is my fav!  the female and male energy that exists in all things.  Our society is more aware of this law and trying to move away from the masculine energy (of hustle and do) and more towards feminine energy of just being.

What do you think of these Universal Laws?  Are they laws you can see yourself applying/use to your advantage in your life.  Thank you Mind Body Green for the reference.

Want more? Follow my Blogmas 2022 journey here!

Things I think are worth knowing about spirituality

I know spirituality (ie: not religion) is becoming more main stream and I love that for the collective human experience.  Below sharing a few interesting things about spirituality (and life!) that are really worth knowing.

We are merely reflections of each other

Love is the only emotion that vibrates from the soul

Your thoughts create your reality

The moon enhances psychic powers

The sun unlocks DNA

Crystals are found in tech devices

You are what you eat