5 top ways to be more confident in your career

One thing about me, is if I can share my wisdom I will.  I do a lot of mentoring in my corporate girlie life.  And I also look for opportunities to be mentored.  I’ve had a few great mentors over the years who have guided, protected and propelled me – so I really feel passionate about giving back.

Sometimes, those mentors are in my company, in my personal life or even virtual.

So consider me your virtual mentor!  I hope these tips can help you exude more confidence in your job, career, big dreams and beyond.

  1. Don’t take personalities or communication styles personally
    I find that as adults making friends is a hit or miss. There is such a mix of characters and preferred ways of interacting that we can be friendly with some and frenemies with others. The same applies in the workplace. There is also a mix of personalities and communication styles (cultures and genders can add to the bag). Remind yourself that when people are being direct, it is not personal.
  2. Stop putting others on a pedestals
    If you think other people around are better or smarter than you, because of a certain job title, project they are on or experience – they probably arent. And you can prevent the feeling of under confidence by not assuming people are better than you purely based on what you see. Remember everyone is going through something, even if you can’t see it.
  3. Assume you are doing well (unless you are told otherwise)
    Managers have a responsibility to have transparent conversations with their employees about work activities and performance. So unless you are being told otherwise, assume everything is going well!
  4. Remind yourself its not that serious
    Perspective is important. Remember if it won’t matter in 5 years, don’t spend 5 seconds thinking about it. Zoom out and get a higher point of view. Put in an honest effort, but don’t lose sleep or miss your breaks/PTO because of it.
  5. Reframe your negative thoughts into positive ones
    We often think the worse in every situation. It actually takes more effort and energy to negative than positively. If you feel like you are asking too many questions, remind yourself that you want to have clarity. But also if you get feedback that at first stings, take it as an opportunity to improve.

Review, Refocus & Readjust – Mid year goal review

As we round out the first half of the year and slide into the second half, I thought it would be a great idea to provide some inspiration to reset, readjust, restart and refocus.

Greenery in Paradise
Sunset in Tulum
  1. Review your goals and determine priority
    Before blindly continuing to do something that may no longer be serving you, take some time to review your goals. Maybe you’ve plateaued in some areas, or maybe you haven’t given enough time to one area of your life. Even better, maybe you’ve accomplished a goal and it no longer requires your attention. Creating self awareness is really important and it’s also a good idea to get organized in a way that makes sense to you. Maybe writing the goals that you will continue to work on on a sticky or using a Moleskin to help refocus an area where you’ve been lacking.
  2. Disrupt and edit your routine
    Once you’ve figure out what you want to focus on, redesign your daily habits to meet those goals. It’s true what they say…success is a series of small wins. Use your day planner, Gcal or Notion to structure your day and include activities that help you work towards ticking off those goals by end of year
  3. Level up, track your progress & give yourself grace
    As you continue your goal achievement journey, do you best to stay accountable (whether that is through a private IG account, blog or good ol’ pen & paper). I’m a big believer in documenting your life and it’s always nice to see how far you’ve come. But what’s even more important is giving yourself grace. Working towards your personal and professional goals are not meant to be invigorating and inspiring so remember to take breaks/rest, celebrate your wins and smile!
Waves hitting the break wall
Reflections are everywhere

Rules for being human

I recently saw this on Instagram and after a quick google search found that the post that I stumbled over on Instagram was actually inspired by a good. I felt it really resonated with me, and once that happens – I feel compelled to make sure it has a permanent home on my blog (or my twitter or instagram(s)) :P 

So here it is…10 rules for being human (originally found in “If life was a game, these would be the rules”) + some of my recent art & photography … enjoy!

  1. You will receive a body
  2. You will be presented with lessons
  3. There are no mistakes, only lessons
  4. The lessons will repeat, until they are learned
  5. Learning does not end
  6. “There” is no better than “here”
  7. Others are only mirrors of you
  8. What you make of your life is up to you
  9. All the answers are inside of you
  10. You will forget all of this at birth

20 ways to get out of a funk

Today’s post is a quick one! I’ve been feeling a little off alignment.  So in my research to get back on track and out of this funk – I researched some inspiration and knew I had to share here :)

One thing I do want to say is that, our journey is full of ebbs and flows.  There are highs and lows and sometimes how we operate will be effected by that. What I’ve learned that it’s completely okay to lean into the slow, quiet, idle restful time just as much as the fast paced productivity.

Having an off day, week or month is completely okay & we all go through it.  And when you are ready…read on to learn ways to get back on your path…

  1. Exercise daily
  2. Sleep early
  3. Eat more veggies
  4. Park further away from the entrance
  5. Use the stairs
  6. Reapply your sunscreen
  7. Drink less alcohol
  8. Journal
  9. Watch less TV
  10. Prioritize and plan your day
  11. Visualize your goals
  12. Find ways to give back your time
  13. Review and reflect
  14. Practice gratitude
  15. Be consistent with AM/PM routines
  16. Write down your goals
  17. Don’t listen to the news
  18. Track you progress
  19. Meditate
  20. Stretch & foam roll multiple times a week

How to come back to your higher self

With 2023’s first major lunar event just passing us, I thought I might be a good time to talk about how we can really show up as our true, authentic selves.  I’ve been fascinated by the moon forever, but more recently, I love tracking where it is in the sky, the phase and how we as human’s have been connected to the moon for millennia. 

The moon helps us identify with ourselves. But understanding ourselves is a journey and on that journey there will be phases (pun intended) where you are truly in tune with yourself and times where you feel like you can barely see yourself at all (…just like the phases of our moon).

So it’s in those darker times, where the moon is not visible and you are struggling to live as your highest self, that we need to find our ways back to your path – your true authentic self.

Try these activities the next time you feel like you need raise your vibes and come back to your higher self.

Crystals, Higher Self, Spirituality, Soul Care,  Self care, Window Sill, Energy, Full Moon, Flowers, Rings, Brown Hands, Red Nail Polish
  1. Gratitude: In the morning, randomly through the day and before bed.  I always write a gratitude list in the morning, use the DayOne app to quickly write a gratitude list at any time of day and then mentally say what I’m grateful for before bed.
  2. Love for yourself & others: Love comes in all shapes and sizes, even more so, the the love you have for yourself.  Take time to care for your self (whether that’s acting on your goals, washing your face consistently, doing your favourite hobby or taking a weekly bubble bath).  When it comes to others, making time for friends and loved ones, hugging and forgiving quickly are equally important.
  3. Eat high vibe foods: When I’m eating processed, fast or fried foods, I immediately feel my vibrations sink.  Not only do my jeans feel extra snug but I’m usually in an energy slump and crabby to myself and others.  When I’m eating clean and a variety of foods it’s easier to feel good about myself, my environment and my situation.
  4. Consume high vibe content: It’s not only what you eat but what you listen & watch that can effect how your higher self shows up.  Listening to a TedTalk > scrolling Instagram should be a reflex.  And believe it or not, after 5 days of switching to affirmations, motivational podcasts and learning new things on youtube and TedX – you’ll immediately find Social Media draining and not want to scroll!
  5. Be active in nature: A walk outdoors is the immediate cure for a bad mood.  Thats what I tell my daughters and what I remind myself as well.  Fresh air can do wonders for your soul.  Still trying to get out more often (only once a week because of the colder weather) but also trying to be creative about it (whether that’s a walk to the library with the family or a walk around the community center when my kids are in karate lessons).

Blogmas | Gift Guide for a #GirlBoss

You know them, they work the hardest! They give their all to their passion. Working late into the night or early mornings before taking on the day.  She deserves to treated to something nice so why not support her goals too!

  1. Aesthetic Highlighters: or writing utensils that are as beautiful to use as they are to keep on your desk. She’ll use it in her meetings or in her planner – always a good idea.
  2. Hot Cold beverage holder: It’s unfortunate that these get lost as often as they do but a #girlboss could always do with one more
  3. Travel Bag: Whether it’s to grab all her stuff on the way to the gym, and brainstorm, client meeting or weekend away – this cabin good travel bag will always be put to good use.
  4. Travel charger: Perfect for the entrepreneur who is all about the User-Created-Content. Charge on the go with this travel charger with built in cables!
  5. Moleskin: Entrepreneurs are always ideating. Why no support their creativity by giving them a solid quality notebook that can be used for capturing their ideas as well as their endless to-do lists.
  6. Atomic Habits: Business owners know the power of consistency and this book is all about the power of systems. Gift this to the fearless #GirlBoss as a constant reminder to find the power in progress.