20 ways to get out of a funk

Today’s post is a quick one! I’ve been feeling a little off alignment.  So in my research to get back on track and out of this funk – I researched some inspiration and knew I had to share here :)

One thing I do want to say is that, our journey is full of ebbs and flows.  There are highs and lows and sometimes how we operate will be effected by that. What I’ve learned that it’s completely okay to lean into the slow, quiet, idle restful time just as much as the fast paced productivity.

Having an off day, week or month is completely okay & we all go through it.  And when you are ready…read on to learn ways to get back on your path…

  1. Exercise daily
  2. Sleep early
  3. Eat more veggies
  4. Park further away from the entrance
  5. Use the stairs
  6. Reapply your sunscreen
  7. Drink less alcohol
  8. Journal
  9. Watch less TV
  10. Prioritize and plan your day
  11. Visualize your goals
  12. Find ways to give back your time
  13. Review and reflect
  14. Practice gratitude
  15. Be consistent with AM/PM routines
  16. Write down your goals
  17. Don’t listen to the news
  18. Track you progress
  19. Meditate
  20. Stretch & foam roll multiple times a week

Book Review: I can’t make this up, life lessons by Kevin Hart

Done & dusted!

I’ve finished my first book of the year!

I can’t make this up, life lessons by Kevin Hart!
Get from Chapters Indigo
Get from Amazon.ca

I couldnt have started the year with a better book. Kevin takes us on a personal account of his challenges and perseverance as he chased his dream of becoming a famous comedian, actor and now author!

The book starts off funny, mellows out for some serious themes in the middle and ends on a funny yet inspiring. His positive outlook, consistency and belief in himself is relatable and a great way to begin the year!

Some of my favourite quotes:

“How you handle rejection is very similar to how you’ll handle success. If you’re strong enough to handle rejection without taking it personally, without holding a grudge, and without losing your passion and drive, then you’ll be strong enough to reap the rewards. But if you’re too weak to handle failure and disappointment, then you’re too weak to handle success, which will only end up damaging your life and happiness.”

“It turns out that the things I hated most as a child are the same things that serve me the most as an adult.”

“You are already in your experience. So you can either resent and resist it, and make it that much less enjoyable, or you can accept it and find something positive in it.”

One qualm I had about the book – is that there are no date references!

How to make better to do lists!

Planner, Crystals, Productivity, Smart Goals, Work Smarter, Women in Tech, Lifestyle, Life Lately, Life Tips

To do lists are the micro levels of my big dreams.  Big dreams are astronomical, may take months or years to achieve them, require persistence and consistency.  Consistency is where our daily to do lists come in.

I do want to preface this post by saying the following:

  • we shouldn’t be slaves to our to do lists
  • to do lists don’t own us
  • to do lists are meant to serve us 

So if your daily to do list, post it or weekly planner spread is making you feel bad about yourself – throw it out, take a beat and start over again when you are ready!

We shouldn’t feel productivity debt (feeling like you always need to be doing something and rest is not deserved unless your to do list is completed) from not completing everything on our to do list & there is nothing you NEED to do to earn your existence.

But when you are ready to schedule the day you want to make it amazing – read on!

Side note: I’m writing this as I was feeling overwhelm trying to use notion.  Notion is meant to be a tool to keep your life organized but there was too much scope creep in their product – for me at least.  The idea that it might also need to look aesthetic, link to a Spotify playlist and my Pinterest mood board was a little too much.  So I realized I need to step back and figured others might need to too.

So how do we make our to do lists work for us?

  1. Figure out your big dreams, goals, priorities and projects.   But also think about the habits you want to build and routines you want to have.
  2. Pick a medium that works for you.  Could be paper or digital, simple or complex.  You’ll also want to choose a template: Is it just 1 sticky note for the day, or multiple colour coded ones, is it a weekly spread planner or an hour-by-hour list of tasks.  This can obviously change but it’s a great idea to try something out.
  3. Fill your list with your daily living + tasks that will help you got to your big goals.  Example are meetings, but also your workouts (goal: to focus on fitness).  It could be having lunch with someone and blocking 2 hours in the morning for writing (goal: to write a book).  
  4. Pick something to fail at.  Not everything has to be checked off and not everything has to be done well.  So knowing what can be moved to another day vs a non-negotiable will help you stay intentional and not feel like you aren’t moving forward.

Remember – it’s all about getting to outcomes (not getting things done).  Your to do list should be on your side helping you build intentional habits and keep you 1 step closer to your goals!

Planner, Crystals, Productivity, Smart Goals, Work Smarter, Women in Tech, Lifestyle, Life Lately, Life Tips

9 Habits to become unrecognizable in 6 months

I cannot take credit for this. But I really wanted to share it.
(Edit: all pictures are from Pinterest)

I’ve been following @Art0fLife_ on twitter for a few months and I love when people re-share their content. It means 1) it resonates with folks and 2) it needs to be shared more.

The 9 habits shared by @Art0fLife_ are very specific, so I’ll be sharing them with a more consistent mindset as opposed to a “follow this exactly to find results”.

Should preface by this saying, I’m will a Work in Progress. I do do a handful of these, but there are areas where I know I want to improve.

Image from Pinterest
Image from Pinterest
  1. Wake up early at the same time every day: really dependent on what time you go to sleep, but if you know the hours of sleep you need (somewhere between 6-8 for most of us) you can get into bed and get that sleep in consistently. Why wake up early? because you get time to yourself and it ensures you are ahead of everything and anyone
  2. Journal daily: Don’t know what to write? brain-dump, goals, gratitude list, thoughts that make you spiral. Getting things out of your head will dramatically improve your creativity and mental wellness.
  3. Learning/Studying for 30 min a day: This is so important for anyone and unfortunately we do less of it in mid life and beyond. Whether it studying certification material (hello scrum, agile, data or product) or hobby (wood work, coding, knitting, content creation). Learning creates increase neural pathways and can also help you create multiple income streams.
  4. Exercise daily for at least 30 min: not only for the physical side, but also for the mental wellness side. Consider ways to incorporate cardio (swimming, running) and resistance training (weight lifting, resistance or body weight exercises).
  5. Meditate for at least 5 min: Essentially sitting in silence or with a guided mentation will help you practice mindfulness and give your mind a break.
  6. Create a proper sleep schedule: including a wind down routine. This will do wonders for your performance, productivity and mood.
  7. Walk in nature: I love my forrest baths. Nature is a proven way to improve anxiety and increase happiness. It helps to also get the creative juices flowing. I would love to do this daily but it’s only once a week currently. Will be looking to improve this.
  8. Read 20 pages a day: read anything (fiction, non fiction, self dev, poems, history etc). Reading an actual book helps to improve focus and knowledge (even if that is just what a word means and how to spell it).
  9. Drink 2.5-3L of water daily: water is essential to our body and our recovery. So staying hydrated is key.
Image from Pinterest
Image from Pinterest


I recently completed Blogmas – check it out!

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Starting the new year with renewed focus and intention

It was a GREAT 20 days of blogmas! I am pretty impressed with my ability, consistency and ambition.  I think it was the longest streak of blogging I’ve had in a long time.  For January, I’ll be returning to more regular yet less frequent blog posts.  Maybe, it will be twice a week and centered around a new theme – I haven’t confirmed my creative process yet! :P

<Admin reminder for myself> I’ve also yet to share all the posts on Pinterest so that will take some time in January also. So between editing titles (taking out the word “blogmas”), promoting on Pinterest (and twitter & instagram for that matter) I know I’ll be scaling back.  </end reminder>

So here is my first post – post blogmas!  It’s a multi day vlog showing my routines & habits.  All things I want to continue focusing on in the new year.  Whether that’s nature works, morning workouts, journaling, reading, meditating, doing well in my career – it’s a reminder that my Focus and Intention needs be all about consistency.  So hopefully it inspires others out there who want to start (or stay on …like me) the journey of their personal development and self growth.

Click here for Blogmas 2022!

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Blogmas | Happy Winter Solstice!

Truth be told, I have a SEVERAL drafts posted, images and vlogs edited – ready to post…but this topic takes precedence.

The 10 year anniversary of the end of the Mayan calendar falls on December 21 2022 (if you remember – nothing significant happened), which also happens to be the Winter Solstice of this year.  I don’t fully understand what that all means, but I understand the idea of coincidence is important.  

So what is Winter Solstice? From a scientific standpoint, it when the Earth’s axis reaches its maximum tilt away from the sun.  This means, December 21 marks the longest night of the year (ie: the day with the least amount of sun light).

So if you are like me, you look for connections and patterns, especially when science meets anything.

What to do during the Winter Solstice:

  1. Meditate, Journal & Walk in Nature
  2. Light candles after sunset
  3. Make donations (anything: monetary, gifts or food)
  4. Sage your space
  5. Create a crystal grid (or at least hold your clear quartz crystal)
  6. Balanced intention (release and welcome)

Wishing you a Happy Winter Solstice!