Blogmas | Happy Winter Solstice!

Truth be told, I have a SEVERAL drafts posted, images and vlogs edited – ready to post…but this topic takes precedence.

The 10 year anniversary of the end of the Mayan calendar falls on December 21 2022 (if you remember – nothing significant happened), which also happens to be the Winter Solstice of this year.  I don’t fully understand what that all means, but I understand the idea of coincidence is important.  

So what is Winter Solstice? From a scientific standpoint, it when the Earth’s axis reaches its maximum tilt away from the sun.  This means, December 21 marks the longest night of the year (ie: the day with the least amount of sun light).

So if you are like me, you look for connections and patterns, especially when science meets anything.

What to do during the Winter Solstice:

  1. Meditate, Journal & Walk in Nature
  2. Light candles after sunset
  3. Make donations (anything: monetary, gifts or food)
  4. Sage your space
  5. Create a crystal grid (or at least hold your clear quartz crystal)
  6. Balanced intention (release and welcome)

Wishing you a Happy Winter Solstice!

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