My go-to healthy pancakes

So easy, yummy-hit the spot pancakes. I got you! These pancakes 3 ingredient (minus optional toppings) pancakes are refined sugar & gluten free – incredibly simple to make and you probably don’t even need to go to the grocery store!

Pancakes, Gluten Free, Healthy, Good Food, UGC, Ikea dishes, Window, Natural Light, Food Photography

I never liked making pancakes from scratch, the flour would be all over my counter and the batter was always clumping. The beauty of this recipe, any high speed blender does all the work!

What you need:

  • 2 spotted bananas
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup of quick oats


  1. Put all ingredients in a high-speed blender, blend until smooth
  2. Heat a griddle or flat pan and greese with avocado spray or butter
  3. Turn down heat on pan
  4. Immediately, using an ice cream scoop, scoop 1 laddle full of batter and shape with back of spoon
  5. Cook each side for 3-5 min (golden brown)
  6. Let cool on a paper towel lined plate
  7. Enjoy warm, with berries, whip cream, Nutella or pure maple syrup. The choices are ENDLESS!

Pancakes, Gluten Free, Healthy, Good Food, UGC, Ikea dishes, Window, Natural Light, Food Photography, Christmas Morning Breakfast
Pancakes, Gluten Free, Healthy, Good Food, UGC, Ikea dishes, Window, Natural Light, Food Photography, Easy cooking

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Blogmas | Do THIS before you create your reality with a #VisionBoard

We are 18 days out from 2023.  I hope between the get togethers, holiday meals and gift giving your are making time for YOU.  As a mom of daughters, with a full fledge and progressive career with ambitions of growing my business – goal setting has always been my thing.

But with the new year I definitely try to be more intentional.

Below is the process I’ve developed over the years + sharing my vision board capturing visual cues of all the areas I’m setting goals in (wellness, learning, career promotion, financial abundance, family, friends and world travel).

  1. Retrospective on the past year: I use the life audit wheel and do an audit of the areas of my life that went really well (10) and the areas that I felt I could have put more effort towards or that could have gone better (1 being the lowest on the scale)
  2. Write in words what the life audit showed me: This is really about writing down what went well and what didnt.  So now you have two representations of the past year.
  3. Get clear on what you want to achieve: Now taking the written retrospective, write down all the things you want to achieve.  Be as detailed as possible.  And also make room to jot down the feeling you have when you think about these achievements.  And most importantly, write down actionable steps to get where you want to be (full disclosure: this will take you more than one sitting)
  4. Pinterest, pinterest, PINTEREST! You are gonna grab all images that show you achieving everything you clearly articulated in step 3.
  5. Make you vision board: Now you are going to make a visual representation of what you wrote in 3. Before you make your vision board, make a gratitude list, meditate, light a candle, clense your crystals – just be in the most receiving space you can be in!  Once you love what you’ve created (also: this could take a few tries) PRINT it out, save to all of your desktop wallpapers & make sure you look at it multipe times a day.

You’ll notice a pattern here, we think, write and visualize.  Repeatedly.  Why? Because the brain can’t tell the difference between something actually happening/how it feels when you achieve something vs when you just think about achieving it & feel the feelings.  Once you brain believes you’ve achieved it, you’ll starting behaving in a way and taking actions in the direction of that achievement.

BONUS: Do future journalling – everyday of the new year, potentially as part of your morning journalling practice.  This is where you write down everything of the day as it it’s already happened (ie: these will be the actionable steps you wrote down in 3 aboce).  Again tricking your brain into thinking you’ve already achieved the accomplishment but on a daily basis.

Vision Board, Pinterest, Mood board, Future, Goals, New Years Resolution, Goal Setting, Happy, Abundant, successful, wealthy, prosperity, vitality, wellness

Want more? Follow my Blogmas 2022 journey here!

Blogmas | 12 Universal Laws

The great thing about Blogmas is that it’s really all about you and the idea on content that you want to share with the world.  And as the creator of said content I can essentially choose what I to put out there and also learn!!

So today I’m going to share the 12 Universal Laws.  These 12 Universal Laws originated from several different cultures (Hawaiian and Egyptian to name a few) but many different leaders confirm that ancient cultures have intuitively known the laws to exist.

  1. Law of Divine Oneness: which refers to the interconnectedness of things.  This means every thought, action, and event is in some way connected to anything and everything else.
  2. Law of Vibration: this highlights that everything is vibrating a microscopic at a certain frequency. High frequency vibrations are where we all should strive to be.
  3. Law of Correspondence: this law speaks to that what we are all mirrors.  What we feel within us is a reflection of what is going on around us and vice versa.
  4. Law of Attraction: probably the most well known law, where we know like attracts like.  And more so you truly have to believe what you are seeking is already yours.  This law relates to the law of vibration.
  5. Law of Inspired Action: this is what follows after you believe you have what you are seeking.  It’s all about taking actionable steps toward inviting what we want in our lives.
  6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: this law states that the universe is constantly evolving and fluctuating – right down to the energetic level.  This means that our thoughts can eventually manifest into our reality
  7. Law of Cause and Effect: this is the direct relation between action and events. Interesting to note, we may not understand the effects of a given cause right away.
  8. Law of Compensation: this law is essentially that you reap what you sow.  Put out what you want to receive in return.
  9. Law of Relativity: even though we are inclined to compare things in our world, even though in reality everything is neutral.
  10. Law of Polarity: everything in life has an opposite.  When we are dealing with something, here we are asked to tune into the opposite – which can reveal a new perspective.
  11. Law of Rhythm:  here we are made aware of the cycles of our life.  We expect things to stay the same but we should remember that integration is just as important as growth. 
  12. Law of Gender: this is my fav!  the female and male energy that exists in all things.  Our society is more aware of this law and trying to move away from the masculine energy (of hustle and do) and more towards feminine energy of just being.

What do you think of these Universal Laws?  Are they laws you can see yourself applying/use to your advantage in your life.  Thank you Mind Body Green for the reference.

Want more? Follow my Blogmas 2022 journey here!

Blogmas | Gift Guide for a #GirlBoss

You know them, they work the hardest! They give their all to their passion. Working late into the night or early mornings before taking on the day.  She deserves to treated to something nice so why not support her goals too!

  1. Aesthetic Highlighters: or writing utensils that are as beautiful to use as they are to keep on your desk. She’ll use it in her meetings or in her planner – always a good idea.
  2. Hot Cold beverage holder: It’s unfortunate that these get lost as often as they do but a #girlboss could always do with one more
  3. Travel Bag: Whether it’s to grab all her stuff on the way to the gym, and brainstorm, client meeting or weekend away – this cabin good travel bag will always be put to good use.
  4. Travel charger: Perfect for the entrepreneur who is all about the User-Created-Content. Charge on the go with this travel charger with built in cables!
  5. Moleskin: Entrepreneurs are always ideating. Why no support their creativity by giving them a solid quality notebook that can be used for capturing their ideas as well as their endless to-do lists.
  6. Atomic Habits: Business owners know the power of consistency and this book is all about the power of systems. Gift this to the fearless #GirlBoss as a constant reminder to find the power in progress.

Blogmas | Tech definitions for you and your grandma

I recently listed to Brit Morin explained a few tech buzzwords and I felt compelled to share!  Check out the definitions for you and your grandma below!

Web 3.0

This essentially means we are in the 3rd version of the world wide web/internet. But there is a very interesting difference between each version (shout out to all the folks who know how to swith their floppy from read to write). 

Web 1.0 was dial up where most of the users could only READ what was posted by government or other professional bodies.  Web 2.0 was where people started actually creating content on the internet.  Whether that was blog posts, facebook photo albums or youtube tutorials – meaning we were able to WRITE on the internet.  Web 3.0 is where it’s tricky.  We are still creating content, but we now are starting to realize we do not own any of that data.  Like I am writing this post right now, but I have no legitimate ownership of these words.  It’s technically owned by the companies that store the data (ie: go daddy and wordpress).  When we had floppy disks we could write to it and also share it with others without a real worry that it was going to be stolen.  But now because go daddy has got my blog post on their servers I can’t be for sure they won’t use it for their own gain).

It’s an interesting concept that brings up a lot of questions about control and ownership.


Think of block chain as at type of technology that acts like a ledger.  What is a ledger, it’s a term used in banking to document all transactions of an institution.  Blockchain can be used to track all types & details of transactions (details such as: who made the txn, when, was something bought, was something sold etc).  Why does this matter?  Well blockchain has the ability to be the bridge between moving society from only writing on Web 2.0 to successful ownership of one’s own data in Web 3.0 (because Web 3.0 was built on blockchain).  There are more uses of blockchain like identity and finance but just thinking of it as a book that records all the details of any type of transaction is key.

Want more? Follow my Blogmas 2022 journey here!

Blogmas | Christmas lights in the city

We just got back from a little family adventure downtown to check out some of the free festive set ups!  We started with an early dinner (our first choice was Spaghetti Factory, but the wait was wayyyy too long) at a long time favourite with the kids Jack Astors. Unfortunately didn’t get any shots of enjoying the time there, but we had a corner booth and the food was just amazing!

We immediately headed out to see the Fairmount Hotel windows – which were surprisingly cute!  

While we made our way to Yorkville, S needed to drop off some of her meal bags (she’s working on a badge for girl guides) so we drove around in circles but could only find 1 person to drop them off at (we ended up leaving them in front of a church).

At Yorkville the kids were more amused by the big mountain 😆 which left me tons of time to enjoy the light display!  


Want more? Follow my Blogmas 2022 journey here!