Blogmas | 12 Universal Laws

The great thing about Blogmas is that it’s really all about you and the idea on content that you want to share with the world.  And as the creator of said content I can essentially choose what I to put out there and also learn!!

So today I’m going to share the 12 Universal Laws.  These 12 Universal Laws originated from several different cultures (Hawaiian and Egyptian to name a few) but many different leaders confirm that ancient cultures have intuitively known the laws to exist.

  1. Law of Divine Oneness: which refers to the interconnectedness of things.  This means every thought, action, and event is in some way connected to anything and everything else.
  2. Law of Vibration: this highlights that everything is vibrating a microscopic at a certain frequency. High frequency vibrations are where we all should strive to be.
  3. Law of Correspondence: this law speaks to that what we are all mirrors.  What we feel within us is a reflection of what is going on around us and vice versa.
  4. Law of Attraction: probably the most well known law, where we know like attracts like.  And more so you truly have to believe what you are seeking is already yours.  This law relates to the law of vibration.
  5. Law of Inspired Action: this is what follows after you believe you have what you are seeking.  It’s all about taking actionable steps toward inviting what we want in our lives.
  6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: this law states that the universe is constantly evolving and fluctuating – right down to the energetic level.  This means that our thoughts can eventually manifest into our reality
  7. Law of Cause and Effect: this is the direct relation between action and events. Interesting to note, we may not understand the effects of a given cause right away.
  8. Law of Compensation: this law is essentially that you reap what you sow.  Put out what you want to receive in return.
  9. Law of Relativity: even though we are inclined to compare things in our world, even though in reality everything is neutral.
  10. Law of Polarity: everything in life has an opposite.  When we are dealing with something, here we are asked to tune into the opposite – which can reveal a new perspective.
  11. Law of Rhythm:  here we are made aware of the cycles of our life.  We expect things to stay the same but we should remember that integration is just as important as growth. 
  12. Law of Gender: this is my fav!  the female and male energy that exists in all things.  Our society is more aware of this law and trying to move away from the masculine energy (of hustle and do) and more towards feminine energy of just being.

What do you think of these Universal Laws?  Are they laws you can see yourself applying/use to your advantage in your life.  Thank you Mind Body Green for the reference.

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