How to come back to your higher self

With 2023’s first major lunar event just passing us, I thought I might be a good time to talk about how we can really show up as our true, authentic selves.  I’ve been fascinated by the moon forever, but more recently, I love tracking where it is in the sky, the phase and how we as human’s have been connected to the moon for millennia. 

The moon helps us identify with ourselves. But understanding ourselves is a journey and on that journey there will be phases (pun intended) where you are truly in tune with yourself and times where you feel like you can barely see yourself at all (…just like the phases of our moon).

So it’s in those darker times, where the moon is not visible and you are struggling to live as your highest self, that we need to find our ways back to your path – your true authentic self.

Try these activities the next time you feel like you need raise your vibes and come back to your higher self.

Crystals, Higher Self, Spirituality, Soul Care,  Self care, Window Sill, Energy, Full Moon, Flowers, Rings, Brown Hands, Red Nail Polish
  1. Gratitude: In the morning, randomly through the day and before bed.  I always write a gratitude list in the morning, use the DayOne app to quickly write a gratitude list at any time of day and then mentally say what I’m grateful for before bed.
  2. Love for yourself & others: Love comes in all shapes and sizes, even more so, the the love you have for yourself.  Take time to care for your self (whether that’s acting on your goals, washing your face consistently, doing your favourite hobby or taking a weekly bubble bath).  When it comes to others, making time for friends and loved ones, hugging and forgiving quickly are equally important.
  3. Eat high vibe foods: When I’m eating processed, fast or fried foods, I immediately feel my vibrations sink.  Not only do my jeans feel extra snug but I’m usually in an energy slump and crabby to myself and others.  When I’m eating clean and a variety of foods it’s easier to feel good about myself, my environment and my situation.
  4. Consume high vibe content: It’s not only what you eat but what you listen & watch that can effect how your higher self shows up.  Listening to a TedTalk > scrolling Instagram should be a reflex.  And believe it or not, after 5 days of switching to affirmations, motivational podcasts and learning new things on youtube and TedX – you’ll immediately find Social Media draining and not want to scroll!
  5. Be active in nature: A walk outdoors is the immediate cure for a bad mood.  Thats what I tell my daughters and what I remind myself as well.  Fresh air can do wonders for your soul.  Still trying to get out more often (only once a week because of the colder weather) but also trying to be creative about it (whether that’s a walk to the library with the family or a walk around the community center when my kids are in karate lessons).

Blogmas | 12 Universal Laws

The great thing about Blogmas is that it’s really all about you and the idea on content that you want to share with the world.  And as the creator of said content I can essentially choose what I to put out there and also learn!!

So today I’m going to share the 12 Universal Laws.  These 12 Universal Laws originated from several different cultures (Hawaiian and Egyptian to name a few) but many different leaders confirm that ancient cultures have intuitively known the laws to exist.

  1. Law of Divine Oneness: which refers to the interconnectedness of things.  This means every thought, action, and event is in some way connected to anything and everything else.
  2. Law of Vibration: this highlights that everything is vibrating a microscopic at a certain frequency. High frequency vibrations are where we all should strive to be.
  3. Law of Correspondence: this law speaks to that what we are all mirrors.  What we feel within us is a reflection of what is going on around us and vice versa.
  4. Law of Attraction: probably the most well known law, where we know like attracts like.  And more so you truly have to believe what you are seeking is already yours.  This law relates to the law of vibration.
  5. Law of Inspired Action: this is what follows after you believe you have what you are seeking.  It’s all about taking actionable steps toward inviting what we want in our lives.
  6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: this law states that the universe is constantly evolving and fluctuating – right down to the energetic level.  This means that our thoughts can eventually manifest into our reality
  7. Law of Cause and Effect: this is the direct relation between action and events. Interesting to note, we may not understand the effects of a given cause right away.
  8. Law of Compensation: this law is essentially that you reap what you sow.  Put out what you want to receive in return.
  9. Law of Relativity: even though we are inclined to compare things in our world, even though in reality everything is neutral.
  10. Law of Polarity: everything in life has an opposite.  When we are dealing with something, here we are asked to tune into the opposite – which can reveal a new perspective.
  11. Law of Rhythm:  here we are made aware of the cycles of our life.  We expect things to stay the same but we should remember that integration is just as important as growth. 
  12. Law of Gender: this is my fav!  the female and male energy that exists in all things.  Our society is more aware of this law and trying to move away from the masculine energy (of hustle and do) and more towards feminine energy of just being.

What do you think of these Universal Laws?  Are they laws you can see yourself applying/use to your advantage in your life.  Thank you Mind Body Green for the reference.

Want more? Follow my Blogmas 2022 journey here!

Things I think are worth knowing about spirituality

I know spirituality (ie: not religion) is becoming more main stream and I love that for the collective human experience.  Below sharing a few interesting things about spirituality (and life!) that are really worth knowing.

We are merely reflections of each other

Love is the only emotion that vibrates from the soul

Your thoughts create your reality

The moon enhances psychic powers

The sun unlocks DNA

Crystals are found in tech devices

You are what you eat

Current meditation & journal routine

TLY_Journal Meditate Morning Routine

Over the last few months I’ve developed a morning routine.  Simply put I’ve added meditating and journaling to the start my day.

My focus for these activities is to breath, visualize, have gratitude, be intentional, learn more about myself and connect to shared wisdom.

My longest stretch was ~200 days.  At one point I missed a day but because I did it that long it formed a habit.  So when I do a miss a day I feel complete outside of myself.

I recently heard someone say, the only thing you can control is your spiritual practice.  And it’s so true.  Meditation and journaling has been my practice for quite some time now and what I love is no one can take that away from me.  I love it so much I share my practice and technique with people at work and my friends.

If you are looking for a sign to start meditating and journaling – let it be this.

Everything is on the other side of consistency, all you have to do is start.

Goal Set 2019

Well we are officially into our first week of 2019, but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t put any thoughts into new years goals. This year I wanted to keep it somewhat open ended and rather give myself room to explore where I want to be able to grow in 2019.  Below are some areas I am working on this year!
1) Make our house our Home
2) Get educated
3) Practice creative consistency
4) Improve my self care activities
5) Keep focus on my wellness journey

6) Quality time for the relationships that really matter in my life

And there you have it – and yes that is the easy part.

When I used to have a gym membership, I remember the first 3 weeks of January it was so packed I’d have to wait for a cardio machine!  But by February 1st, we were back to the regular gym crowd and having several treadmills always available to choose from.

It’s simple to write down the goals you want to work towards but actually reaching the goals is the hard part.  From my own experience, I know that if you really want to achieve something, you have to “be ready” to (aka your mind has to “be ready”). And by that I mean, put in the time and effort, do the hard things and be flexible on the path.

So here are some tips to help you strive for progress while working towards your new year goals:
1️⃣ Use a Habit Tracker: a great way to mark that tiny step you took towards your goal is by tracking it. Checking a checkbox can be very satisfying and a great motivator for continued progress.
2️⃣ Set a Challenge for 30 Days: It could be that you want do 100 squats a day, cut out refined sugar or drink 8 glasses of water – try doing it for 30 days. Better yet start your 30 day challenge in February or March. It greatly reduces the stress around resolutions failing at the beginning of the year and also lets you try out something without a major commitment.
3️⃣ Reward yourself: I think this is the most important one.  Try setting mini milestones and associated rewards when you reach them.  It might be getting your nails done or buying new running new gear.  Celebrating even the tiniest of wins is great for productivity and performance.  Your brain will start to link pleasure with reaching a goal and continue to strive for that in the future.