Current meditation & journal routine

TLY_Journal Meditate Morning Routine

Over the last few months I’ve developed a morning routine.  Simply put I’ve added meditating and journaling to the start my day.

My focus for these activities is to breath, visualize, have gratitude, be intentional, learn more about myself and connect to shared wisdom.

My longest stretch was ~200 days.  At one point I missed a day but because I did it that long it formed a habit.  So when I do a miss a day I feel complete outside of myself.

I recently heard someone say, the only thing you can control is your spiritual practice.  And it’s so true.  Meditation and journaling has been my practice for quite some time now and what I love is no one can take that away from me.  I love it so much I share my practice and technique with people at work and my friends.

If you are looking for a sign to start meditating and journaling – let it be this.

Everything is on the other side of consistency, all you have to do is start.

My Evolution Of Journaling


Looking inward to find ways to be better for myself is by journaling.

For free writing and diary type entires, I’ve relied on my @dayoneapp. I can write long, free-form and always had an option to export my entire month or year of journaling to a PDF.

I started using the @fiveminutejournal 3 years ago because I wanted to be more present and grateful. It was by far the easiest way to keep me grounded.

When my mornings got to busy and I couldn’t even find 5 minutes to write in the morning because I didn’t have the time to myself I started using the app version of the journal. I would use it on my morning commute – it and made gratitude journaling more convenient.

A few days ago, I found out that I can combine my free form journal writing with my gratitude practice with the ease of an app! I still use paper and pen daily but having everything available on the go without the bulk of a book is a game changer!

Do you journal? Which app do you use or do you prefer a paper journal?

Miss Sanya turns FOUR

I honestly can’t believe I am a mom to a 4 year old.  It’s hard for me to believe this is my life.  That said I am grateful my girls chose me and that I get to take this motherhood journey.  I am learning everyday the type of mother/guide/coach/authority I want to be in my daughters life.  I am learning from them, from educating myself and from my own past.

This past Sunday we did a joint 4th Birthday / Father’s day party.  Having so much family in the city make every holiday messy and chaotic.  And if I am being honest it’s always stressful.  And because right now the adults out number the kids, the kids get shafted lol.  I think if we had more littles to focus on the dynamic would be much more FUN!

With all that said I am pleased at how well the party turned out.  Before we invited everyone, we confirmed with Miss S if she was OK to share her party with the dads as it was Father’s Day, and because she is incredibly understanding she said yes.  We seamless integrated both events.

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This year I kind of flaked on writing a birthday card for my eldest born (#momguilt in full effect).  But I really hope she knows that I love her with all my heart.  That even though I am not a perfect and self proclaimed bad mom that I am doing my best.  I am so incredibly grateful for her independence, obedience and leadership in our family.  She does try her best (even when it comes to eating foods she hates i.e. smoothies or scrambled eggs) and I do try my best to everything with love first.   She’s so creative and she’s always ready to some crafty activity with her girl guide of a mom.

I pray that our relationship will grow and adapt as we both “grow up”.  I will be her guiding light and voice of reason whenever she needs me.  I always do my best to give her sage old advice vs what I think she should do.  I promise to keep myself educated and aware so I don’t fall into typical traps as one does as a girl mom.

Why I journal (and why you should too!)


I’ve had a “paper and pen” journal for about 6-7 years.  I have used a journal different things:

  • To Do lists (or just lists of things in general)
  • Trip Planning
  • Photo/Post ideas
  • Bucket Lists
  • Gratitude/Affirmations
  • Goals/Dreams


There are other things you can use a journal for:

  • “Dear Diary” type of journaling
  • Sketching
  • Scheduling your day/week/month (love love when you can customize a blank page journal to the planner of your dreams!)
  • Recipes

…obviously the options are endless…

Since I started journaling, I’ve research a lot about journaling and became kind of obsessed with the moleskin journal. I love moleskin because it has so many different types of journals but also the simple blank page or lined page journal perfect for sketching or free-thought-writing.


For me personally, I’ve found that journaling has helped me:

  • Be more creative
  • Organize my thoughts
  • Be mindful
  • Brainstorm

I believe in journaling so much (good old fashion “paper to pen”) that when Miss S was a few months old, I got her her own moleskin (8×11, blank page).  We do all sorts of art projects (seasonal or just something fun) and I usually write a little note about what’s going on that day.  I hope one day she’ll see the benefits of it too.


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