So glad I can come back to my self-care rituals

This week was a great reminder as to why I need self care rituals.  On the days that I am pushed to my breaking point, by situations, by people, by context – it is my self care rituals that give me peace.

My rituals are the the part of my day that make sure when I am out there taking care of everyone and everything else – that I also make time for myself and my wellness.

Self care rituals are THE FORMULA to support your mental wellbeing.

It’s a built in way that you do something for your mind, your body and your soul everyday.

Another reminder: Get enough sleep, have gratitude and always be present (aka put your phone down and you head up) 

How your goals doing?

*said with Joey Tribbiani voice*

I’m here to interrupt your double vaxxed/tired mom summer with the news that – there are 115 days left until 2022.

Yep, One Hundred Fifteen Days.

I was definitely feeling like I was hitting a wall in terms of my goals. That’s not to say I haven’t had a winning few months I just feel like I was losing focus and slowing down. And I don’t want to do that.

So I started vision boarding for the last quarter of the year, and I mean WHY NOT?

These are my goals and I need to find my motivation. Sometimes adding pen to paper (or picture to board) can help revitalize and re-engerize me. But I also have to remind myself that creating a vision board is just the first step. I then have to come up with actionable steps by month/week to get those goals accomplished. I’m going with the OKRs (being specific and having multiple key results can really drive it home for me).

My point to this whole post is that you DON’T need to wait till MONDAY or the START of the MONTH or the the NEW YEAR. (Although if that is your thing, September is a great month to get back to it!)

Another thing we (well me and you, the collective we) need to get better at is sharing our goals. I’m a little torn on sharing progress (sometimes it makes more sense to keep your head down/disappear while you get sh!t done). But something has to be said about putting your big dreams out into the universe (sounds woo woo because it is, IYKYK)!

So here it is, my Q4 vision board ++ some tips about getting back on track with your goals!

Vision Board, Goal Setting, Idea to Execution,
  1. Goal Setting: It’s important to know what you want to accomplish
  2. Plan your year, months, weeks and days.  Goals without a plan is a wish!
  3. Get enough: sleep, exercise, meditate, drink more water, eat what your body needs journal and find time to relax
  4. Be grateful: Always looking at future goals can cause fear, anxiety and stress.  Practicing gratitude can balance that
  5. Be disciplined: resist the urge to snack, check social media or skip a workout.  Focus on your activity at hand – that’s how progress is made
  6. Get to the other side of consistency: whether you see great results or no results – everything is in the hard work
  7. Invest in yourself: Read books, seek mentors and growth opportunities.  You don’t have to figure it out on your own.  Find someone who has what you are trying to achieve and learn from them

Keep coming back to these principals when you feel stuck or even every day to make sure you stay on track.

15 Mid-Week Mood Boosters

Sharing a mid week list of mood boosters + some of my creative photography!  I truly loved capturing the image of the flowers and the lines of shadowed light.  I need to get better at prioritizing capturing creative photography everyday!  Scroll down to see the image as well as a list of mood boosters.  I hope that one or two works for you!

Happiness, Toronto, Mood Boosters, Creative Photography, Black and White Photos, Fine Art Photography

Happiness, Toronto, Mood Boosters, Creative Photography, Black and White Photos, Fine Art Photography

  1. Read 5 pages or a chapter of a book
  2. Put on a cute outfit and take some mirror selfies
  3. Make a list or a do a brain dump
  4. Write a letter to your future self about how proud you are of your accomplishments
  5. Tidy up some space in your home
  6. Setting up personal BHAGs and breaking them down into executable steps/milestones
  7. Hug everyone in your family
  8. Take a warm shower or a bath if you have enough time
  9. Go for a walk or run (make sure a portion of it includes being in a forest)
  10. Meditate
  11. Use the pomodoro effect to focus on completing a piece of work
  12. Make a vision board
  13. Write down what you are grateful for
  14. Drink an entire bottle of water
  15. Do something creative

Happiness, Toronto, Mood Boosters, Creative Photography, Black and White Photos, Fine Art Photography

Happiness, Toronto, Mood Boosters, Creative Photography, Black and White Photos, Fine Art Photography

5 Ways to beat the winter blues & a trip to TO Christmas Market

When the whether dips, it’s not uncommon to feel seasonal depression.  With the sun no longer shining as much, the need to bundle up all.the.time and the persistent search of a warm getaway – it’s easy to lose perspective.  I am learning to give in a little bit.  Enjoy the warm soups, choose sautéed veggies over cold salads and drink as much tea as I want.

Here are a few other ways to enjoy the colder months…

Get cozy: fleece PJs (matching with family members? even better), fuzzy house coat, warm slippers and turning on the fireplace…!

A mug of your favourite warm beverage: Tea, coffee multiple times a day.  Better enjoyed with a friend.

Watch all the best movies or series: Ok so it’s true, Friends is leaving Netflix but there are tons of Holiday movies to enjoy this time of year.

A warm cozy bed: I love love love the feeling of getting into bed with clean sheets after a hot shower.  Switching to a duvet at this time of year can be wonderful.

Being grateful: Every morning and every night or really any time of day when you feel your mood slip.  Take a moment to breath and give thanks.

Another important thing to do in winter?  Get out of your house.  For a walk around the block, to an seasonal event or a winter activity.  Take a little more planning but you really won’t regret it.

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