7 ways to stop self sabotaging

I always say, life is a journey. Sometimes you are running top speed through the valley and other times you are grasping for oxygen at high altitudes. Most times you are going steady through long stretches of mini climbs and plateaus.

from pinterest

But one thing I’ve started recently saying to myself is that I’ve got to live life like it’s rigged in my favour. And that statement alone has made me realize that through self and situational awareness – you can quickly see what activities and behaviours are supporting you and what are self sabotaging you.

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Below I share 7 ways to stop self sabotaging yourself. Whether that’s in personal relationships, with you 9-5, business pursuits or personal goals – consider how you may be engaging in these activities and how it’s effecting how you live your life.

from pinterest

💫 leave any situation where you are not valued

💫 deprioritize your mental wellness for anything

💫 what everyone else is doing

💫 disregard your feelings, instinct, needs or emotions

💫 showing up as someone you are not

💫 stay on a path just because it’s the path you are on

💫 live as someone you are not

from pinterest

New York in 4 Days (Day 2)

Click here to check out my entire NYC in 4 days series!

Although is been almost a month since we went to NYC, I still have 3 days left to cover on the blog (for my memories and for any families out there wondering if they can road trip to NYC with their kids and have a good time – spoiler alert …you can!)

Pinterest, Pin it, New York City Guide, NYC with Kids, Pin for later

The second day was planned as a full day in Manhattan and it did not disappoint.  Our New Jersey hotel was a 30 second walk to the bus stop that went straight to Times Square, so we took advantage of that (with a backpack full of snacks).  However, we did purchase tickets to the Big Bus Tour.  I got a deep discount for the bus and we were glad we got it.  More on that in the next post!

At Times Square we enjoyed all the screens, the people watching and the energy.  And a few blocks away was Brant Park and the New York Public Library.  Because it was so close – we just walked! Totally do-able!

DSLR Camera, Brant Park, Family at Brant Park, Family in NYC

The NYPL was on quiet hours so we didn’t get to explore any of the book rooms but the kids were just as mesmerized by the interior structure.  Another few blocks away was Grand Central.  Perfect place for more people watching and Magnolia cupcakes!

We then spent 2 hours at Empire State building LOL. Given that we’ve already seen sky high views at the CN Tower (Toronto) and the Twin Towers back in the 90s – I wasn’t sure there would be anything novel here. However the Empire State had a completely different vibe. Maybe it was the NY history (the story and details of how it was built) or the related culture of the landmark (King Kong move) or how art was incorporated into the experience (helicopter city sketch) – the whole experience was really all encompassing. We could easily have spent another 2 hours there.

After the Empire State building, we grabbed some NY Pizza and hopped on the Big Bus, which ended up being a great way to see some of the sights and learn history about the neighbourhoods.  We did get off at the Brooklyn Bridge to take some pictures and get a few souvenirs.

The bus took us back to Times Square, where we grabbed dinner and watched some street performances.  The girls did really great given it was a lot of walking and standing.  But I think having a place to sit and just take in the sights as they passed through thru a window (without actually having to drive) – definitely helped the whole family.

Next up we have the MoMA, Statue of Liberty and DUMBO!

5 Productivity Tips to start the month off right

From Pintest

Not many people I know are like me in that they feel the start of a new week (ahem Monday!) or even the 1st day of the month is like the 1st day of school.  It’s the feeling of fresh starts, dreaming big and new routines.  I also love reading about people’s organization methods and goal setting – so I thought I’d share to abundance of resources on Google and share tips for a productive month!

  1. Set up your monthly calendar:  Appointments, Celebrations, Get togethers, Extra Curriculars, Fitness classes, Classes etc.  Getting it out of your head and getting all down in your calendar just makes sense.  I use a combination of Goggle Calendar and my paper planner monthly view
  2. Set up goals for the month: whether it’s finishing a book, getting out 3 fitness classes/running x km or maybe it’s doing something you’ve never done before – working towards something helps get you out of your comfort zone and develop character.
  3. Set up a monthly to-do list:  I definitely think some of the activities on this list will be created from the monthly goals, but it may also include routine items (ie: run the washer clean cycle, sign up for swimming lessons) and bonus items (ie: artistic projects, going to the art gallery).  I personally love the bonus activities – it makes my soul smile
  4. Set a budget: Something is to be said about being mindful about spending.  Not just because mindless shopping and over spending is a waste of time and money.  But because it’s not good for our environment.  So whether it’s a “no spend month” or a cap on eating out, it’s definitely worth a try.
  5. Deep clean something!  I think it’s a good habit that I’m starting to implement whereby I clean something that has piled up.  Whether it’s a junk drawer, a basement closet or the baseboards.  Schedule it in and get it done!
From Pinterst
From Pinterest

7 ways I’m romanticizing my life this Spring season

Art Gallery of Ontario, AGO, Art for Sale, Creatives, creators, Mixed media artMake Art, Share Art, Mixed Media Art, Creator, Creative, Toronto Creative

If you are in the GTA / Southern Ontario area, you are probably thinking what I’m thinking… aka waiting for Spring to actually spring!

Cold days mixed with wet snow precipitation do make it harder to get into spring spirit but I did welcome spring by celebrating Holi with my family, setting intentions for the new season and sending my friends Nowruz and Ramadan wishes.

And I also got to thinking about things I wanted to change as I entered the new season. So sharing below 7 ways I’m romanticizing my life this Spring!

Why would I want to romanticizing my life?

For me, I think it’s important to remember that this is a journey and I must always remember to enjoy the journey and find the magic in the process.  I’ve recently read about the term “toxic positivity” which this isn’t.  Romanticizing ones life is about working through and appreciating all types of experiences.  But it’s also about ensuring your habits and routines allow you to be present and grateful.  I’m a big proponent of the art of leisure and dreaming big – which I think folds well into romanticizing my life.


  1. Drinking more Herbal Teas: I love me a double (or triple) oat milk cappuccinos! But I know I should be balancing them with lighter options. What better time than spring to infuse my days, evenings & body with orange blossom, chamomile and tumeric-ginger. Just writing it out sounds beautiful 💖
  2. Wearing lighter & brighter colours: I wear many shades of black and this winter I think I to it to another level. Costco had these kirkland brand oversized sweaters with pockets and I LIVED in those and black leggings. I’m not proud but I was comfy. That said, I need to step out of those threads and take pictures of myself fun/light/bright clothes that make me shine.
  3. Finish art projects abandoned in the dark cold of winter: For someone like me, creating art for the sake of it means that you’ll want to abandon some projects that are too difficult or feel overwhelming. But I also think it’s okay to put yourself in comfortable for the sake of growth.
  4. Deep dive into my HDC and Enneagram: A refreshed self-awareness, just in time for the change of season just feels right. Although I’ve dived into my HDC, I’ve yet to figure out my Enneagram. The potential in knowing these things about yourself can support your journey as well as broaden your horizons!
  5. Volunteer in place of donating money to charity: With the weather warming I think it’s a great opportunity to connect with people through common interest and shared community efforts.
  6. Start a Joy-Jar: I love this analog way of documenting your days. Instead of recording videos or taking pictures, take this opportunity to write down happy memories and store them in a jar. At the end of the month you’ll have handful positive reminders 🥰
  7. Create for me: Kind of like this blog, I want to CREARE & SHARE my art for nothing but me. Something between a persona scrapbook on a digital platform. So I’ll be sharing more of the art gallery trips, WIP art projects and street art. They unique way I see joy in every day beauty needs to be shared with the world (for me…)!

Making art and sharing lessons

I’ve been on an art kick lately.  What does that mean? I’m making art daily.  Whether it’s painting, canvas embroidery, digital art on the iPad, ink pen mindful drawing and of course photography! So today I’m sharing my art (++ the time lapse process of making said art) and some quotes that have profound life lessons in them!

It’s always hard, until it’s easy

Create more than you consume

When you figure out how to love yourself, everything changes

The world just reflects your own feelings back at you, reality is neutral

What ever you think, you believe and will shape your reality

The tools for learning are abundant, the desire to learn is scarce

Need to get started, quit talking and start doing

Personal Power & Growth books on my TBR list

I’ve always been an avid reader. And I mean reading reading. Not just rom-coms or chic-lit – those of which I know book-tok made popular but I can only take so much of. I mean biographies, business books, classics and of course sci-fis. I like to change it up! But more so I like to give my mind good ideas to learn and innovate from.

Right behind reading sci-fi, I always gravitate to personal power books (some times negatively referred to as “self help books”). I feel like they allow me to interpret myself and my experiences in a positive way. Also they give me self-awareness so I can make more optimistic decisions or take better actions towards a goal.

Personal growth books help me expand. Make me realize that we are more alike then we think but also dares me to go to places I’ve never been before (both in life and in my thinking).

From reading personal growth books, I’ve come to realize that life isn’t just about external validation but rather reflection and of a introspective growth journey.

Today I’m sharing a few “self-help” books on my TBR. Things to help me expand my brain & nurture an opportunistic mindset.

What personal growth books do you have on your TBR?