Review, Refocus & Readjust – Mid year goal review

As we round out the first half of the year and slide into the second half, I thought it would be a great idea to provide some inspiration to reset, readjust, restart and refocus.

Greenery in Paradise
Sunset in Tulum
  1. Review your goals and determine priority
    Before blindly continuing to do something that may no longer be serving you, take some time to review your goals. Maybe you’ve plateaued in some areas, or maybe you haven’t given enough time to one area of your life. Even better, maybe you’ve accomplished a goal and it no longer requires your attention. Creating self awareness is really important and it’s also a good idea to get organized in a way that makes sense to you. Maybe writing the goals that you will continue to work on on a sticky or using a Moleskin to help refocus an area where you’ve been lacking.
  2. Disrupt and edit your routine
    Once you’ve figure out what you want to focus on, redesign your daily habits to meet those goals. It’s true what they say…success is a series of small wins. Use your day planner, Gcal or Notion to structure your day and include activities that help you work towards ticking off those goals by end of year
  3. Level up, track your progress & give yourself grace
    As you continue your goal achievement journey, do you best to stay accountable (whether that is through a private IG account, blog or good ol’ pen & paper). I’m a big believer in documenting your life and it’s always nice to see how far you’ve come. But what’s even more important is giving yourself grace. Working towards your personal and professional goals are not meant to be invigorating and inspiring so remember to take breaks/rest, celebrate your wins and smile!
Waves hitting the break wall
Reflections are everywhere

July Goals

Hey there, it’s been a few weeks, a beach vacation and a potential change in the Earth’s Schumann Resonance – but I’m here to share my July goals ;)

The best way to build confidence is to set goals. Setting goals gives us a way to set promises to ourselves. When we keep those promises (aka accomplish the goals) we create self trust within ourselves. That self trust turns into self awareness and an understanding that “if I can do this, I can do so much more!”

You don’t need perfection to inspire

Happy Thursday! Lately I’ve noticed a shift in my confidence.  In my desire to get out of my comfort zone, meet people, wear all the jewelry, be extra and bold in my style choices & courage in my work and personal goals. So today I’m sharing some words that really resonated with me recently.  Along with some fit shots from a few days ago… Enjoy! 

Inspire others, progress over perfection, OOTD, Have fun, that girl, Motivate
Inspire others, progress over perfection, OOTD, Have fun, that girl, Motivate
Inspire others, progress over perfection, OOTD, Have fun, that girl, Motivate
Inspire others, progress over perfection, OOTD, Have fun, that girl, Motivate

Imperfection is a form of freedom

Let your process, your struggle and your progress inspire others.

You don’t need perfection to encourage those who are watching you

Inspire others, progress over perfection, OOTD, Have fun, that girl, Motivate
Inspire others, progress over perfection, OOTD, Have fun, that girl, Motivate
Inspire others, progress over perfection, OOTD, Have fun, that girl, Motivate
Inspire others, progress over perfection, OOTD, Have fun, that girl, Motivate
Inspire others, progress over perfection, OOTD, Have fun, that girl, Motivate

Rules for being human

I recently saw this on Instagram and after a quick google search found that the post that I stumbled over on Instagram was actually inspired by a good. I felt it really resonated with me, and once that happens – I feel compelled to make sure it has a permanent home on my blog (or my twitter or instagram(s)) :P 

So here it is…10 rules for being human (originally found in “If life was a game, these would be the rules”) + some of my recent art & photography … enjoy!

  1. You will receive a body
  2. You will be presented with lessons
  3. There are no mistakes, only lessons
  4. The lessons will repeat, until they are learned
  5. Learning does not end
  6. “There” is no better than “here”
  7. Others are only mirrors of you
  8. What you make of your life is up to you
  9. All the answers are inside of you
  10. You will forget all of this at birth

20 ways to get out of a funk

Today’s post is a quick one! I’ve been feeling a little off alignment.  So in my research to get back on track and out of this funk – I researched some inspiration and knew I had to share here :)

One thing I do want to say is that, our journey is full of ebbs and flows.  There are highs and lows and sometimes how we operate will be effected by that. What I’ve learned that it’s completely okay to lean into the slow, quiet, idle restful time just as much as the fast paced productivity.

Having an off day, week or month is completely okay & we all go through it.  And when you are ready…read on to learn ways to get back on your path…

  1. Exercise daily
  2. Sleep early
  3. Eat more veggies
  4. Park further away from the entrance
  5. Use the stairs
  6. Reapply your sunscreen
  7. Drink less alcohol
  8. Journal
  9. Watch less TV
  10. Prioritize and plan your day
  11. Visualize your goals
  12. Find ways to give back your time
  13. Review and reflect
  14. Practice gratitude
  15. Be consistent with AM/PM routines
  16. Write down your goals
  17. Don’t listen to the news
  18. Track you progress
  19. Meditate
  20. Stretch & foam roll multiple times a week

7 ways to stop self sabotaging

I always say, life is a journey. Sometimes you are running top speed through the valley and other times you are grasping for oxygen at high altitudes. Most times you are going steady through long stretches of mini climbs and plateaus.

from pinterest

But one thing I’ve started recently saying to myself is that I’ve got to live life like it’s rigged in my favour. And that statement alone has made me realize that through self and situational awareness – you can quickly see what activities and behaviours are supporting you and what are self sabotaging you.

from pinterest

Below I share 7 ways to stop self sabotaging yourself. Whether that’s in personal relationships, with you 9-5, business pursuits or personal goals – consider how you may be engaging in these activities and how it’s effecting how you live your life.

from pinterest

💫 leave any situation where you are not valued

💫 deprioritize your mental wellness for anything

💫 what everyone else is doing

💫 disregard your feelings, instinct, needs or emotions

💫 showing up as someone you are not

💫 stay on a path just because it’s the path you are on

💫 live as someone you are not

from pinterest