Outperform your 2023 self

I have a few priorities and activities in the next few weeks so I’m not yet cramming in trying to create a vision board or create a word of the year.  (And hey if you are, that’s cool too – read more about My Vision Board process here)  But true to myself and my interest of the art of leisure and mental fitness, I wanted to share a few ways we can all out perform our 2023 selves!

Of course these techniques are not reserved for Jan 1, you can do them any time so I wanted to share as they are very useful.

Develop these Mindsets:

  • If 1000 people win, I AM ONE OF THEM.
  • If 100 people WIN, I AM ONE OF THEM.
  • If 10 people WIN, I AM ONE OF THEM.
  • If 1 person WINS, I AM THAT ONE.

Develop New Healthy Habits:

It’s very important to have productive habits because they will turn into routines. Motivation can fade, and that is when discipline prevails.

Here are example of healthy habits:

  • write specific goals down for the following day before bed.
  • Journal & evaluate your day before bed.
  • Sleep early or get a good night’s sleep.
  • You are aware of your bad habits, change to the opposite.

Get 1% Better Daily:

This is MY FAV technique! Prioritize incremental progress over perfection. Don’t get lured into the fantasy or “fast result”

Knowing this will keep you consistent.

Some high valued 1% skills include:

  • Read for 10 pages daily
  • Learn for skill a least 10 min a day
  • Meditate for 5 minutes
  • Exercise for 1 hour
  • Create art daily (photography, doodling counts)
  • Reflect on your day
  • Practice gratitude

Prioritize Physical & Mental Health:

Add activities that makes you feel good physically and mentally to your routine.

  • Get some outdoor time daily
  • Journal everyday
  • Eat clean & drink 2-3L of water
  • Go on solo & friendship dates
  • Hang out with family/loved ones.
  • Read a self-dev article
  • Use diffusers or scented candles in your home
  • Clean your space (do a quick tidy)

Diversify your income streams:

Making money and more specifically women making more money is good for society and thr planet. In 2024 consider upskilling, changing jobs, seeking high-paying clients or even a side project that your are passionate about. Start small but stay consistent. Not only will there be a dollar amount change but also you’ll be developing your always learning attitude.

  • Get a new certificate your career field
  • Digital Marketing
  • Content Creation
  • Sell your art on Etsy
  • Influencer marketing
  • Audience building
  • UI/UX Design
  • Data Analysis Skills
  • Master No-Code

All images c/o Pinterest

A quote that gives me peace and strength

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
If it’s a workday: Turn off my alarm, grab my glasses, phone/journal/pen.  After regular getting up activities, I put on my apple watch :)
If it’s a weekend: And I haven’t been woken up by an alarm or by my kids, I check to see what the kids are doing. After regular getting up activities, I put on my apple watch lol!

What gives you energy?
My creative hobbies, completing a priority task, hugging my kids/husband or a really good run, confidence in my experience.

What is your secret life hack?
Practicing gratitude using the DayOne App with the built in Five Minute Journal templates.

Name a book that changed your life?
I have two from the last 10 years: The Alchemist and Light is the New Black.

Tell us about your relationship with your phone? Does it sleep with you?
I charge my phone on airplane mode on my nightstand, so no it absolutely does not sleep with me.  I’ve had a goal to get our phones out of room at night.  First step is to buy 2 alarm clocks and convince my husband to charge his phone elsewhere in the house overnight.

How do you deal with email?
Work email on a typical workday: I check my email too often.  Both due to the nature of my work (I am a manager in the innovation & strategy space) and because it’s been a habit of my career.  I would say several (5-10) times an hour.
Personal email on a typical day: Not as often because I only check it on my phone, maybe 3-5 times a day.

You unexpectedly find 15 minutes in your day, what do you do?
Pull out my e reader and hope that its charged so I can read!

When was the last time you felt burned out and why?
Over the Winter Break! It was the first time I had taken 2 weeks off since 2012.  We hosted several dinners, I cleaned the house 4 times, had to take care of the kids full time for a few days and had to make the Christmas magic (mom’s you know what I mean).  It was fun and exhausting.  Definitely glad to be back to our regular routine after a full and lively break.

When was the last time you felt you failed and who did you overcome it?
Motherhood is the most humbling journey and I fail every day (i.e.: maybe I lost my patience, I yelled, looked at my phone too much in front of my kids or didn’t play with them when they asked).  I don’t put myself down for every “failure” – I am human and a millennial mother in a digital age (we are the first generation of mothers/parents in this type of society)   I overcome it by talking about what happened (with my kids or husband) and lots of hugs.

Share a quote that you love and that gives you strength or peace?
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself // Leo Tolstoy

OOTD_at_work_Friday OOTD_at_work_Monday OOTD_at_work_Thursday OOTD_at_work_Tuesday OOTD_at_work_Wednesday

Feel free to answer these questions in the comments below or on your own blogs or social medium of your choice!  

(Where did you find these questions?)

More like this?  Check out my year in review from 2018.

Reflecting on 2018

Happy New Year!
It’s been an intense year for me.  And I didn’t want to end it without doing a little review. So here goes…!  (PS: I got the template of questions from here)


What was the single best thing that happened this past year?

Finally, starting up on a new project, doing the work that I longed to do and knew I was 200% capable has been very invigorating.  Although it wasn’t easy and it was 3 years of putting my goals aside.  Just a reminder to myself.  Success doesn’t happen over night.  There was a lot of work involved. There was a lot of leaning on my support system. There was a lot of tears and stress. But at the same time I saw a strength in me that I hadn’t seen in a year.  I was yearning for something better and doing all the right work to get it.  But something inside of me told me that a positive attitude and optimistic mindset coupled with that hard work – would get me where I needed to be   All the success stories I read, positive quotes I wrote down, self reflection, optimistic thinking, blood, sweat and tears – it all worked together to get me the jump I needed.

What was the single most challenging thing that happened?

Taking care of E while on Mat Leave.  Everything was a challenge, feeding, napping, that she crawled early so I was always having to watch her all.the.time, the fact that she had a different attention span so even going to the library program was hard.  What I’ve learned about her this year is that she is determined, she knows what she wants and she’ll do whatever necessary to get what she wants.

What was an unexpected joy this past year?

Miss S’s growth and development – as our first born child, as a big sister, as a responsible member of this family. It was not something I was expecting but now I understand what parents mean when they say it’s such joy to see their children grow!

What was an unexpected obstacle?

“corporate hierarchy”

Pick three words to describe this past year.


Pick three words your partner would use to describe your year—don’t ask them; guess based on how you think your spouse sees you.


Pick three words your partner would use to describe their year—again, without asking.


What were the best books you read this year?

Light is the New Black is hands down the most powerful book I’ve read in my adulthood.  On that note: I’ve created a list of books to read in 2019 (can’t wait to dig in)!

Who were your most valuable relationships with?

My Family
My Husband
My Daughters

What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year?

Getting back to fitness
Returning to work

In what way(s) did you grow emotionally?

I grew out of trying to please everyone for the sake of everyone else’s happiness.  Now I am doing what makes me comfortable to make sure I am the best mom/wife I can be.

In what way(s) did you grow spiritually?

After reading Light is the New Black I knew that there is help all around me and everything happens for a good reason and in good time. I leaned to pay more attention to my intuition and to the signs from the universe.

In what way(s) did you grow physically?

Found my fitness inspiration again

In what way(s) did you grow in your relationships with others?

The Misters and my relationship is transitioning from “surviving parent mode” back to a balance between parenting and love relationship.

What was the most enjoyable part of your work (both professionally and at home)?

Being creative, writing docs, interacting with people and learning new things everyday
Being a mom is my greatest joy and my greatest challenge

What was the most challenging part of your work (both professionally and at home)?

Working with new people
Not being considered for more growth, well more than what was given to me
(…and that’s OK more for me to work on so I can prove people wrong!)
Being a mom, is probably the most unrewarding work

What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?

My phone

What was the best way you used your time this past year?

My commute.  I used it for reading, for writing, editing photos, for listening to podcasts/music, to learn / get education, chatting with the Mister, planning or just taking a nap!

What was biggest thing you learned this past year?

My mind is incredibly strong and what I/You think is what I/You become

Create a phrase or statement that describes this past year for you.

“Just keep moving”.  Whether is the last km of a run, getting something completed before needing to catch my train, drinking an extra glass of water,  being a little more patient … You’ve got to just keep moving.