My Evolution Of Journaling


Looking inward to find ways to be better for myself is by journaling.

For free writing and diary type entires, I’ve relied on my @dayoneapp. I can write long, free-form and always had an option to export my entire month or year of journaling to a PDF.

I started using the @fiveminutejournal 3 years ago because I wanted to be more present and grateful. It was by far the easiest way to keep me grounded.

When my mornings got to busy and I couldn’t even find 5 minutes to write in the morning because I didn’t have the time to myself I started using the app version of the journal. I would use it on my morning commute – it and made gratitude journaling more convenient.

A few days ago, I found out that I can combine my free form journal writing with my gratitude practice with the ease of an app! I still use paper and pen daily but having everything available on the go without the bulk of a book is a game changer!

Do you journal? Which app do you use or do you prefer a paper journal?

Fall back into Action!

“Soar, eat ether, see what has never been see; depart, be lost, but climb” // Edna St. Vincent Millay

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I love September!  Fresh start, crisp mornings, new recipes, tall boots, beautiful fall photography :)

September has always felt like the start of a New Year of Learning. And although I no longer am in school or formal education, it’s important for me to remember that I should continue to grow and learn. I try to do this as often and as easily I can by: doing new things, reading books, listening to podcasts/Ted Talks or simply by changing my perspective to understand a topic more deeply. I often forget that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed or confused some days.  It’s on those days that I need to take a time to rest and recover but also not forget to keep my goal in mind and continue to scale that mountain.

I am taking this this upcoming month to fall back into action!  I want to get back into good routines and stay focused.  I put together this checklist to keep me motivated and ahead of my goals as we move into the colder months!

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#ItsBakingSeason Pumpkin Chocolate Chunk Muffins

So a few weeks ago, I finally made these bad boys.
They are so tasty (and filling – hello pumpkin).  Buuuuuuuttttt kind of a pain to make….meaning I am definitely on the lookout for something easier for a baking novice like me.



Why I journal (and why you should too!)


I’ve had a “paper and pen” journal for about 6-7 years.  I have used a journal different things:

  • To Do lists (or just lists of things in general)
  • Trip Planning
  • Photo/Post ideas
  • Bucket Lists
  • Gratitude/Affirmations
  • Goals/Dreams


There are other things you can use a journal for:

  • “Dear Diary” type of journaling
  • Sketching
  • Scheduling your day/week/month (love love when you can customize a blank page journal to the planner of your dreams!)
  • Recipes

…obviously the options are endless…

Since I started journaling, I’ve research a lot about journaling and became kind of obsessed with the moleskin journal. I love moleskin because it has so many different types of journals but also the simple blank page or lined page journal perfect for sketching or free-thought-writing.


For me personally, I’ve found that journaling has helped me:

  • Be more creative
  • Organize my thoughts
  • Be mindful
  • Brainstorm

I believe in journaling so much (good old fashion “paper to pen”) that when Miss S was a few months old, I got her her own moleskin (8×11, blank page).  We do all sorts of art projects (seasonal or just something fun) and I usually write a little note about what’s going on that day.  I hope one day she’ll see the benefits of it too.


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