AM Routines based on energy levels

Have you ever noticed how you feel at certain times of the day compared to other times of the day.

Or maybe you have times of the day where you are more productive or have more clarity

You may not have realized but how you feel, how productive you are, or when you are thinking most clearly – is directly related to your energy levels. 

Considering this, you might know exactly when your high energy time of the day is.  I’m definitely a morning person – and love to get things done in the morning. 

But not all days are the same.  On occasion, I may wake up feeling like my energy is off.  But even on those days I still want to be productive or have ideas that I want to execute on – I just can’t get to it (like there is a disconnect between my willpower and my ambition!)

When this happens, it’s important to acknowledge that energy, instead of attempting to force yourself to work through it.  So creating routines to help you work efficiently during different energy levels can make a world of a difference.

What I love about this idea, is that you can still feel accomplished at the times when you don’t want to accomplish anything.  This is a great system to put in place for yourself so you can get out of your head and execute.

I’ve created an AM routine list based on energy levels (and will definitely develop another for PM routines). 

Hopefully this will inspire you to take a look at how you can optimize how you work through your energy levels.

Start your new year right

It’s around this time of year that we see a lot of gift guides online. And as important and lovely giving the perfect present to someone can be – it can also be crazy stressful (hence said gift guides appear all over the interwebs).

And I know there are people like me that need to “get warmed up” for holiday shopping by treating themselves to something nice first ;)

A few weeks ago I shared some thoughts about systems. All the items below help me create routines (or systems). Having systems in place can be helpful when coping with change, creating healthy habits, being more mindful and knowing yourself better.

So here is the treat yo-self/start your (new) year RIGHT gift list for YOU! Sharing a list of items to help you create systems! (Of course, you can start doing these things without these items – but a visual ALWAYS helps!).

  1. Skin care: The first step to self care is about develop and maintain a healthy relationship with yourself. Honestly sometimes, you must demand that time of yourself. Putting yourself first is important so you can find balance with the other priorities of your life. Either an AM or PM skin care routing (or both) can be both soothing for your skin and for your mood. It just feels good to pamper yourself and having a consistent routine for your face (even if it’s just wash/moisturize daily and a weekly face mask) can make that happen for you.
  2. Dress to impress (for yourself): Don’t do it for anyone but you. Dressing up (even for WFH or on a lazy Sunday) helps you build consistency and confidence. Whether it’s a fresh pair leggings and a tunic style sweater, a beachy waves hair do or hoops and a red lip – get dressed for yourself. I always feel more organized when I’m not sitting in two day old gym clothes or when I have all my rings, layered necklaces and bracelets on (haha, don’t ask).
  3. Manifest: Which also includes meditation, journaling, affirmations, vision boarding and just being mindful overall. These activities are considered enduring systems, because they can help one reap long term benefits with permanent effects. What helps me is having a variety of journals (blanked, lined and prompts) and pretty pens – and I naturally gravitate towards this system.
  4. Water & Smoothies: I recently got back on smoothies. I love them because they are easy to eat, help with digestion and it’s a quick way to eat a variety of fruits/veggies. Even better when it’s is a smoothie bowl. Having a smoothie for breakfast or dinner has become a comfort now. I rather mindless sip a smoothie then a bag of chips.
  5. Wake up & Plan your day: Planning has become essential to me. I’ve gotten really good at weekly and daily planning but I’m working on going macro to micro (2-3yrs – today). I have my direction which guides me, but I really want to get more strategic.
  6. Feed your mind: Read, listen to podcasts/ted talks, take micro learnings. This is something that I do when I feel in a funk. Reading and learning is essential for building self esteem, improving memory and reducing stress. It’s also great for when you are feeling stuck, because it can light up your imagination and help get those innovation juices flowing.