January Reads

Reading Routine, Habits, Brain Boosters, Rituals, Best Self, Higher Self, Reading for pleasure, Reading for Fun, Thriller, Suspense, GoodReads, Bookstagram

I’ve been trying to read 20+ pages a day which has really helped me to read more efficiently.  And because of that I managed to finish 2 books in a little over a month!  I’m trying to diversify what I read because I’ll normally read business/strategy/career books and get bored and not want to read for a while.  Or read thriller/suspense/fiction one after another and then I feel like I’m consuming without learning anything.  So to prevent that – I switch it up (ie: thriller, followed by business, followed by fiction, followed by self growth, followed by thriller etc).  It’s a good way to stay motivated and the habit of reading a certain number of pages of day helps too!  Read on to see my reviews :)

How Women Rise by Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith

This book had me nodding in agreement throughout!  The authors present 12 habits that women specifically do to serve them well earlier in their career – actually end up holding them back when they further their career.  What I really like about this book is that they talk about women-specific behaviours that I’ve learned also learned from other sources (like women not speaking up for their accomplishments).  The peer reviewed sense of it really made me feel like these things I do are common to all women and I shouldn’t feel bad.  More specifically, the habits of building relationships and never leveraging them or try to be perfectionists – I was immediately able to see the habit in me and other women I knew. With each habit, the book provided an example and actions to overcome it.  A great book and something I will reference and read again.

Reading Routine, Habits, Brain Boosters, Rituals, Best Self, Higher Self, Reading for pleasure, Reading for Fun, Thriller, Suspense, GoodReads, Bookstagram

Find How Women Rise at Chapters Indigo (Canada)

Such a quiet place by Megan Miranda

This book is about a close knit community and the strange things they know about one another and the efforts they go to preserve what they believe to be the truth about their neighbours.  The story reads well and although I wouldn’t say it’s a page-turner, it was definitely something that kept me engrossed.  Harper’s roommate is sentenced to 20 years in prison for a crime.  But her conviction is overturned which sends all of her accusing neighbours into a frenzy (and against Ruby).  Including Harper, who although believed Ruby to be innocent, but now wants to remain on the inside with her community.  There are twists, turns and random pieces of information that don’t necessarily add to the story but are still interesting info about the characters.  Definitely a great vacation ready!  *fingers crossed* we’ll be able to take vacations this year ;)

Find Such a quiet place at Chapters Indigo (Canada)

Reading Routine, Habits, Brain Boosters, Rituals, Best Self, Higher Self, Reading for pleasure, Reading for Fun, Thriller, Suspense, GoodReads, Bookstagram