A little lesson on Chakras

A couple of years ago, I finally spent some time learning about Chakras.  They are the energy centers of the body.  And although 7 are the most commonly exercised Chakras – there are 100s in the body.

Here is mini less on the 7 chakras shown above:

  1. Root Chakra – Represented by the colour red is located near your tail bone.  When this chakra is balanced, you’ll feel safe and grounded both physically and emotionally.
  2. Sacral Chakra – Represented by the colour orange is located right below your belly button.  This chakra is connected to our feelings of self worth and helps us harness our creativity.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Indicated by the colour yellow and located in the upper abdomen.  This chakra supports our confidence, power & self esteem
  4. Heart Chakra – This is the green chakra and is right over your heart.  When aligned, we feel free to give love and also feel loved.
  5. Throat Chakra – This is the colour turquoise and is on our throat/neck area.  It governs our ability to speak our mind and heart with confidence.  It also allows us to listen with compassion.
  6. Third eye Chakra – Represented by the colour indigo and sits between our eye brows.  It supports imagination and provides intuitive powers.
  7. Crown Chakra – Indicated by a violet (ultra violet or white) colour and sits above our head.  When balanced we feel connected to our life’s purpose and one consciousness spirituality.

Stay tuned for an upcoming Chakra lesson on how to balance and strengthen your Chakras.