
Give yourself a goal. Give yourself a deadline.  Give yourself a challenge. Give yourself a nudge.  When you’re acting with a purpose you’re acting with clarity, discipline, and effectiveness. When there has to be a way, you find a way.  Want to get more done? Give yourself more to do.  Give yourself some ambitious and realistic expectations. Give yourself the effort, discipline, passion and persistence necessary to meet those expectations.  Give yourself a clear and compelling direction. And discover for yourself just how much good you can do.

— Ralph Marston

Even the most organized and inspired individuals feel demotivated and overwhelmed at times.  I love setting goals (yearly, quarterly, even daily), I get excited to reach milestones and check things off my list.  One thing I’m learning to appreciate more – is the journey.

Today is one of those days … I just didn’t feel productive or excited about what I had set out to accomplish.  Well …..that’s not entirely true – I’ve been feel like this for a few weeks now. 

So I’m writing this post as a reminder…

It’s not about the destination, but the journey. I’m reminded to enjoy the process, both the highs and lows.

It’s totally okay to have quiet days, off days or days where your feel like you are just in a funk.

On those days, learn to take a break, find rest and lean into your emotions. When you don’t want to work, instead journal, try meditation, take hot girl walks, listen to podcasts and make art. But if that’s too much, read in bed, drink lots of coffee (++ water) and binge your favourite show.

And remember, this too shall pass.   <3

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