4 routines to help reach your goals

I know its this time of year when everyone is gearing up for 2024.  Goals/resolutions, vision boards, planning planning planning.  Here’s your reminder that along with these activities you should take every opportunity be mindful about your journey…

Practice Gratitude: Having genuine gratitude for what you have now!

Visualize: Imagine your life as if if you have achieved your goals.  What you want, where you want to be, down to ever. last. detail.

Adjust your thoughts: Think about what you want everyday and act like you already have it.  This trains your mind to see more opportunities to get you closer to what you want.

Transform: everyday, every minute you need to SHOW up as the person who has what you want and has achieved the goal you are going to achieve.  This will be the most challenging part, but you have to push through and do it.

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