Lolo’s 2nd birthday

Holy shIt this is a long post!  I wanted share some photos of E’s birthday celebrations and I didn’t know exactly what to write.  And then the words just started flying off from my fingers to the key board to the screen.  I decided to publish this for my memories and for Miss E if she ever wants to know how she entered the world…!

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I still remember the days leading up to Lolo’s birth 2 years ago.  It all started on the Friday before she was born, March 3 2017.  Our current family of 3 had gone out to dinner and started to walk around the mall letting Miss S ride the coin rides, a typical family date night tradition for us that we had become accustom to for about a year at that point.

As we were walking around the mall, I started getting intense pains – which I honestly though were gas.  Gas that was coming and going.  Thinking back on it, the pain was pretty intense in that I had to stop walking and just hold a chair, wall, pillar – really anything for support.  I know now they were contractions, but they weren’t consistent and went away later on that night.


The next day I also had the contraction pains on and off, but again by the evening when we headed to my in laws for dinner, all the pain had disappeared.  I figured I was going to go into labour soon, I just thought I was a 3-5 days away.  I was really banking on being able to take my vacation starting Wednesday of that coming work week, but I really should have taken a clue from when I was pregnant with Miss S – these girls won’t let me take a vacation 😜

Sunday March 5 2017, around 10:30am, contractions started again and quickly became very regular.  I was focused on my breathing telling Miss S that I was doing “yoga breathing”.  And she knew something else was going on.  I’ll always remember to this day what she said to me: “mummy, you are doing yoga breathing because my baby sister is coming soon”.

We put down Miss S for her nap and Mister A started tracking the contractions on an app.  They were getting closer but because I had 2 days of disappearing contractions I figured I should take a shower to calm down.  Before getting in the shower, we called my parents to let them know the status.  I continue to have contractions in the shower and it was then I realized this might be the real deal.  I got out of the shower got dressed, called my parents, got emotional, they said they were on their way, so I did my make up and Mister A loaded up the car.  By the time my parents arrived I was in full on labour but doing a good job of breathing through the pain.  My dad said that if the baby was coming to just pull over and call 911 as they could deliver the baby on the side of the road. 😬

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We started to pull out of our neighbourhood only to realize I had forgotten my purse…! So we turned around to grab it.  The next 27 minutes were a blur but completely reminiscent of a movie scene of the husband trying to speed to the hospital with his labouring wife screaming at him to drive faster.

We arrived at the hospital around 3:35pm.  On the walk up to labour & delivery triage I had 2 contractions and was even offered a wheel chair by a nurse who was returning to her shift.  I declined and continued having contractions but waddled and breathed my way through them. As soon as I got to the desk I told them I wanted a female doctor with slender fingers.  They asked if it as my first and I said no, and everyone went into serious mode: “She’s 38-5, multips, we need to get her checked”. I got checked and I was 7cm (way further along than I was expecting).  I told the nurse I had to use the washroom, and she warned me not to push 😟

I remember them clearly saying “she’s multips, mother is multips, multips wants an epidural, multips x min apart”.  I finally asked what “multips” was, the nurse told me that mothers of multiple (multips = multiple) children usually go through the last phase of labour pretty fast – so they wanted to act quickly.  Within 20 min of being admitted I was in a labour room and they had called for the anesthesiologist. I was 8cm when I got the epidural and I was glad to finally have had it.  It was around 4:30pm when I finally was able to just lay back.  But not for long…! The nurse was in and out checking the monitors, fixing the catheter, adjusting my position.  Mister A had to make all the calls, take pictures, call the nurse when I had questions.  Around 5:50, I was checked again and it was time to push.  I pushed maybe 4-5 times and the doctor told me to stop.  Turns out the cord was wrapped around her neck twice hence why the nurse had to keep checking the monitors and adjusting me.

Miss E was born at 6:12pm on Sunday March 5 2017.  She cried non stop until about 8:30pm.  Mister A asked I could put her back 😬

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All sarcasm aside, she is our cuddle bug and she completes our family.  She has the most mischievous yet contagious smile, she loves broccoli and running after sister.  She’s very stubborn and head strong because she knows what she wants.  She reminds me every day that kids are not obligated to their parents.  She and her sister always show me that they belong to this earth and we can only guide them to be strong, independent and good people.