Making the most of your next art gallery visit (with kids)!

The kids had a PA day on Friday and we decided to go to the AGO!   PA days can be hard to accommodate as a working parent and our usual PA day is some form of winter activity and lots of TV.   But we decided to change things up and I took a day off to spend time with the girls!

It’s been about 12 years since the last time I went to the AGO (embarrassing!)  And in hopes of not repeating my 12 year absence, I got a yearly pass!

The girls had a great time.  The big open space, engaging environment and children’s spaces made for a great few hours of culture!

Collage, Art Gallery Tips, Art Gallery with Kids, Tips and Tricks, AGO, Art Gallery, Art Gallery of Ontario, Creatives, Toronto Creatives, Artists

Art Gallery, That girl, millennial Mom, cultured, toronto creatives, Dundas, Toronto, art gallery

Below are some tips on how to make the most of your next trip with the kiddos to the art gallery!

  1. Plan to spend 2-3 hours at the art gallery. That might mean packing snacks, water or even a lunch
  2. Find out if the art gallery has amenities like coat check, digital passes & free stroller rentals. This will just help you plan your day
  3. Figure out what exhibits you want to check out. Maybe there is a limited time on an exhibit or maybe the theme/topic of the exhibit will resonate with your family (ex: for us it’s Indigenous or anything related to South Asian culture)
  4. View the art in different ways: up close, at at distance, on an angel and don’t forget to read the plaque!
  5. Talk about what you see. It could be as simple as “did you see the bottom of their shoes” or “how many of xyz do you see in the painting” to “what does this piece make you feel”
  6. If it’s a sculpture, copy what you see!
  7. Don’t forget to visit the gift shop :)
  8. Plan your next / follow up visit!

1 thought on “Making the most of your next art gallery visit (with kids)!

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