THEIR digital footprint

I made the decision about 3 weeks ago to go back to one of my first decisions as a parent, that is to NOT post my children’s pictures online.


(What sparked this re-decision?  My older child telling me that I couldn’t post her baby pictures online as part of a birthday post about her on Facebook.  What had happened was I had shown her the draft post and she said she didn’t want me to share the baby pictures.  And I did it anyway.  But this is my chance at doing right).

I originally decided this back in 2013-2014 because I didn’t want their privacy to be taken away.  If I did post a picture, it would be a creatively composed photo as to not show details of their face.  It was a lot of fun (from a creative standpoint) but also it felt like the right thing to do i.e. protect them.

TLY-DigitalFootPrint5But I slowly released my grip on on this idea (particularly on my private/personal IG and Facebook accounts) because I mean everyone posts their kids pictures online without a second thought right? What harm could it really cause?

And that I realized… we don’t know what we don’t know!  We don’t actually know what harm it could cause!

Firstly, what we do know is that social media is making our society less social, more concerned with things that aren’t any of our business and obsessed with vanity metrics (likes and followers). Which in turn is bringing up a myriad of mental health issues, feelings of isolation and a constent need to “keep up with the Joneses”.

With all that said, there are some real positives to social media.  There is a sense of community, a great place to share and receive inspiration and the memes can really brighten your day :) but the long term use of social media is still unknown.  I mean, we don’t really know what having all that content, pictures, opinions and thoughts online will be like for us in the future.  What effect it will have on us?  And how future tech will be able to utilize all that data.


Secondly I’m ALWAYS reviewing and questioning my OWN online footprint. I’m always wondering if I am over sharing or putting something out there that I wouldn’t say in real life. And part of the answer is yes, because it’s easier to talk to a screen then be social (I feel like that’s a modern day human condition but also because I’m an introvert).

But in my own case, at least I can make changes, evaluate my online sharing and adjust as needed.  But for what I’ve shared of my kids?  Well they don’t/didn’t really have a say nor did they get a chance to adjust because I’ve been posting about them and because they aren’t online yet.


There is a sense of guilt (welcome to motherhood) with my kids pictures being up for the last 2-4 years, and unfortunately those will probably be up forever.

And for that I’m truly sorry girls!

Part of being a parent is improving and being better. Parenting for me is a journey and requires a lot of mindfulness.  And this is one of those opportunities.  It’s a chance to realize my mistake and fix it.

Do you share your kids pictures/achievements/tantrums online?  Have you ever thought about how it would effect them into adolescence and adulthood? 

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