Our Trip to Mexico

It’s been 3 months since I last published a post.

I had may reasons for not blogging and for making all my posts private.  But none of them are worth typing up here. What I can say is that I MISSED blogging and that I really LIKE blogging more than social media.

Call me old school but something about getting your thoughts out without having to worry about character limits, engaging on every single platform or building metrics.  Oh man it’s exhausting.  I mean I understand why it’s needed but my blog isn’t about that.  It’s more for me, about building personal and professional skills and documenting my life so I can look back and smile!

With that said I figure I should make my foray back into posting on my blog by reminiscing about our trip to Mexico!  At the end of May, we travelled to Puerto Vallarta for my husband’s nieces wedding.Can I just say that we had SUCH a blast……!

Maybe it’s the age of our daughters, or that we were able to chill with our cousins (who are also parents to young kids) or that we got to attend a destination wedding or that we hadn’t been to a carribean resort in over 3.5 years. Well, it was most likely a combination of all of those things – and if I haven’t said it, I’ll say it again…it was such a great vacation.

Thinking back on the planning and preparation for the trip, I had zero expectations for a good time. I mean we were travelling and staying with family the ENTIRE time.  We had never been to a destination wedding (and Indian weddings are a lot of work when you are part of the family).  And lastly, being on a plane with 2 little ones is always daunting to me.  But, I will be the first to say, I was pleasantly surprised. With some boundaries and keeping the kids top priority during the non wedding time we were able to really enjoy and relax.

Figured I’d share some pictures and some of the memories!

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