Prompts to re-energize your Journal Routine

Do you ever wish there was an instant way to improve your life?   Do you yearn to be in control of your feelings and emotions.  Ever wonder how people can have clarity, awareness and the ability to visualize exactly what they want to achieve. 

Enter journaling! And it’s abundant benefits :)  I’ve been on my journaling journey for almost 10 years.  You can read more about that here, herehere and here.

Journalling takes honesty, authenticity and being open to ones own thoughts.  Being able to physically move them out of your head and onto a physical place.  As the saying goes, a problem written down is a problem half solved.  

I will say that journaling takes practice.  But the best thing is that you can practice everyday.  It takes 10 min, a pen and a journal (or a piece of paper, your computer and a note taking app).

And from time to time,  I also feel the need to feel re-energized with my journaling.  So sharing 20 prompts that I find useful when I need a little boost in my journaling routine.

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  1. What are my core values?
  2. Am I living in alignment with my core values?
  3. What are my long-term goals?
  4. What activities can I do today to take step towards my long term goals?
  5. What areas of my life bring me the most joy and fulfillment?
  6. What are my biggest strengths and how can I leverage them in my life?
  7. What are my biggest sources of stress and how can I address or minimize them?
  8. What kind of impact do I want to make in the world?
  9. What does a balanced and fulfilling life look like to me?
  10. What are the things that I need to let go of in order to move forward?
  11. What are my priorities in different areas of my life (e.g., career, relationships, health)?
  12. What are the limiting beliefs or fears that are holding me back?
  13. What do I need to do to improve my physical and mental well-being?
  14. What kind of relationships and connections do I want to cultivate?
  15. What are the activities or experiences that make me feel alive and purposeful?
  16. What steps can I take to enhance my personal and professional development?
  17. Am I living authentically and being true to myself?
  18. What kind of environment or surroundings help me thrive?
  19. What are the things that drain my energy and how can I minimize them?
  20. What steps can I take today to move closer to the life I envision for myself?

    Happy Journaling!

Other links that you might find helpful:

The Ultimate Journal Prompt List – DayOne
What are Morning Pages

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