Book Review – Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?

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This book was over hyped for me (thanks to the internet/social media/online influencers) and unfortunately I was not impressed.
There are some important thoughts and gems of advice but overall the book “shipped too early” 😆

It needs to have an edition review and some parts can be removed. Seth Godin knows that this book may not be well received and or believable to some readers and tells us at the start that those who have had enough should skip to chapter 10.

But for the sake of finding the learning from every experience, I will share the points/topics that really resonated with me:

“Do not internalize the industrial models.  You are not of the myriad interchangeable pieces, but a unique human being, and if you’ve got something to say, say it and think well of yourself while you’re learning to say it better” – D. Mamet

To me this essentially means you need to find a new path for your career journey.  The standard career path of the past will no longer work.  Furthermore, everyone should bring their real self to their work and to their career.  I tend to agree with that.  You will feel more empowered and your career with align with your purpose when you are more true to yourself and those around you.

Combination of engaged employees, cutting edge products and fun brings people (customers) back

I think this quote is pretty powerful – especially as I can only count on one hand corporations who operate like this.

Win by being faster, more remarkable and more human.

It’s hard to be faster, remarkable and more human when you are surrounded by red tape, bureaucracy and hierarchy.  But I can see this being useful and motivational for start ups and entrepreneurs.

TGIF workers are PERL workers

Although this idea was brought up with respect to the typical factory worker, the percentage of easily replaceable labourers (PERL) are the type of people who live for Fridays.  If you take pride in your work and even more so are willing to work on your passion projects during your free time – you don’t fall into this group.  It’s the people who live for Fridays as an escape from their work life that have the to make a change.

Other people have survived th corporate school system, survived their fist job, have survived a mother in law telling them what to do — and have done the challenging work to become indispensable

Best advice!   Everyone survives.  And so can you (and me!).  We can move up and onward.  We can push through our current situation or get out – either way we are successful.  Most important thing to remember – you always have a choice.

Job where you do more than follow instructions – not something they taught you in school.  Job where you take intellectual risks, prepare to be promoted

The world of work is really changing.  And not just the actual job part but the types of work you do, the hours you work and the type of employees / cohorts.  If climbing the ladder is your end game – this is good advice.

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Except the genius label

We are all genuses!  This book is really about getting rid of the conspiracy of previous generations:   That you need to JUST PUT IN THE TIME at a job.  That your CREATIVITY DOES MATTER.

The new american dream: Be remarkable, be generous, create art, make judgement calls, connect people and idea

The problem lies with the system that punishes artists and rewards bureaucrats

Geniuses make art.  They make judgement calls. Connect people/ideas. Find a new way of getting things done.  Work is a chance to art.

Whether its your 9-5, your entrepreneurial pursuits, a creative passion or your career journey – think of your work as a way to do and make art.

Poverty Mentality: If I give you something, it costs me what I gave you.  The more you have the less I have.  The more I share the more I lose.

I absolutely LOVE the though process behind what is known as the OPPOSITE of the poverty mentality aka the ABUNDANCE mindset.  I think I lived most of my life in the poverty mindset and it is the most debilitating mindset ever.  As soon as you thing with abundance, you are set free.

Great bosses and world class organizations hire motivated people, set high expectations and give their people room to become remarkable.

If you’ve ever had a bad boss or left a company because of a bad boss – this statement must ring true for you.

Ishita’s Meditation

Google it! – it’s always a choice!

What do you do when your art doesn’t work – make more art. If you give up and become a cog you are failing.

This statement pretty much sums up the entire book.

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Check out the other books I’ve read in 2019!

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